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Sharon Lobo

IWB Blogger

Yashaswini Dayama Talks About How She Went From A Shy Singer To Alia Bhatt’s On-Screen BFF

  • IWB Post
  •  December 9, 2017

Yashaswini Dayama has always been a star. I have seen her in college plays, and even though she’s moved on to the big screen, nothing’s changed.

Her breakout Bollywood role was in Dear Zindagi, where she played Alia Bhatt’s BFF Jackie, a character she also identifies with. Yashaswini is also known for her mesmerizing performance in Phobia (2016). And if you’re a fan of Shudh Desi Videos, which spoof popular Bollywood numbers, you should know that that’s also her voice.

I still remember being stunned by a duet she performed in college on Sajde from Kill Dil. It was a-ma-zing. Once someone figures out she is Rammakant Dayama’s daughter, they assume that she must have always wanted to be an actor. But that’s not true. To find out what she wanted to be when she grew up and when we will see her next on the big screen, get a cup of coffee and start reading.

Tell me honestly, didn’t you always want to be an actor, just like your father?

Not really. I was never the actor in the family. But my brother, since he was young, had started doing plays directed by Feroz Abbas Khan. My mom and dad would go along with him for all the shows abroad. I was never good at imitating anyone, I was kind of a quiet girl. All the nautanki in the family came from my brother, never me.

What did you actually think of pursuing?


Were you always given the freedom to choose your career or did your parents want you to pursue something else? 

My parents always thought that I would become a singer. I never considered acting as a career option before.


Tell us about the first song you recorded.

Yeah, I was in the VII standard, and my mom had a very old family friend. She was recording jingles at that time. So, my first ever salary was of 1500 bucks for a jingle, so that was my first experience in a studio. Next, I sang for a radio campaign on child labor. My uncle had written the song.

Being a singer, were you ever part of a band?

No, I never had a band, I was a very shy kid, man! I did a lot of choir singing though. I never really saw an opportunity. In schools, we were never exposed to such culture. Years later, my brother introduced me to bands like Queen, and Whitney Houston too. Then in college, I did many solo singing performances.

Do you have a cool nickname in real life, like you had in Dear Zindagi?

One of my friends calls me, Y-wini and that’s the only significantly different nickname. Others are just variations of my actual name.


Tell me about one funny memory from the sets of Dear Zindagi.

I think the funniest would be when I met Kunal Kapoor for the first time. Alia and Kunal were practising their lines for eight hours, and I was just sitting there. After they had finished, they looked at me for my reaction, and I was just looking at him. This is when I told him that since VII standard I have been madly in love with him, and his response to it was very adorable.

Another one was when Alia, Raunaq and I had to do a drunk scene and drinks are not really allowed on the set. But I do not know what it was, we really felt drunk. We were cracking lame jokes and tripping over beds and what not.

That sounds like a lot of fun! But were there any instances when you were intimidated to work with such big stars?

Definitely, but the one thing about both Radhika and Alia is they are really easy to work with. It doesn’t feel like you are meeting stars. This is their work, and they do it like a job, they don’t behave like big shots. Bollywood is a very glamourised career option. That star attitude doesn’t exist when you are on set, and it’s all about the emotion that you are trying to put across to your audience.

What kind of challenges did you face during the initial days in this industry?

The challenge I initially faced and I think still face is being called an actor. People have worked so hard and gone up the ladder by accepting small roles and then got a big movie. They are actors. I have just been pulled into this alien world.


So now that you are an ‘actor,’ have you picked up any acting skills from your parents?

No, we never sit down and specifically discuss it. At times when I have just come back from my shoot, I tell dad about what happened, and he suggests what I could have done differently. One of the things that I have learnt from dad is that it’s important to learn to “reboot” and give your everything, every single time. Everyone is working super hard and gets stressed out, and sometimes you’re around to see it, so as an actor it’s important to detach and not let it get to you. Sometimes, the camera is rolling, and you’re in the moment, and right before the director calls action, they have to cut because a light may have started flickering or there’s some music playing outside that’s getting caught by our mics.

Now that you mention behind-the-scenes, we have only seen what is in front of the camera, what does it look like behind the camera?

The director is the showrunner, the AD is running the shot, and there are 20 spot boys. Everything is so chaotic, but as soon as the director yells ‘rolling,’ everything comes to a standstill. It is hilarious because it’s like when someone screams statue and we all freeze in awkward positions. The first time I saw it, I felt a little internal giggle and excitement of being in the Hindi film industry.

You mentioned that you were a shy kid, so do you feel awkward acting in front of so many people?

If I were told to act five years ago, I would have failed horribly. When I was a kid, my brother was acting, both my father and my mother featured in shows, I was the only one who was sitting at home and acting like an average child. So, one day there was one ad which my mom was shooting with Rajat Kapoor, and I had an opportunity to act as his daughter, but I just cried, I was uncomfortable. But when I went to Xavier’s, it was a different experience, and it totally changed me. I grew as a person and started understanding myself. I accepted my quirks and everything around me.

Being typical Xavierites, we interrupted the conversation to have a long talk about how much we miss that place. Then I remembered that I need to continue with the interview.

I am very curious to know, did you just randomly decide that you should go for an audition?

Actually, there are two people behind this, my mom and my friend. I went for a haircut after my graduation when I decided. ‘Haha, I am free of the world’s problems,’ and I cut my hair really short. Looking at that, my mom suggested that since I have such a fun look I should try my hand at modelling. Then one of my brother’s friends called me in for an ad audition, so I went for it. That’s how I did my first ad for Airtel 4G.

It might be too early to ask, but how do you envision your graph as an actor?

I had a tough month when nothing was panning out, but recently I shot a film. It’s my first film as a lead, but before that, I thought it was the end of me as an actor. Now, after shooting this movie with so many good actors around me, I feel like good things are starting to happen. A lot of stories are coming up, and new faces are being supported. Ultimately, I want to do movies like La La Land because I go everything or nothing.

Did you have to face someone like Harvey Weinstein in Bollywood?

No, I have been very fortunate that I have never faced any such problem. I have been around such friendly people. It’s happened in my life but not work-related.

That’s really nice. Tell me, who do you look up to in Bollywood and Hollywood?

Everyone. When you start working as an actor, you realize it’s not child play, and you start respecting every actor. My entire perspective of watching movies has changed. If I had to choose, I look up to Alia Bhatt, Jennifer Lawrence, and Emma Stone.

You are a people person, but what do you enjoy doing in quiet hours?

Sitting like a potato on the couch and watching a movie, that’s what I do.  I was doing the same thing before you called.

Your Instagram says you love polaroid pictures, so pick a favorite one.

They are all my favorite. I am still trying to take good pictures. But if I had to absolutely pick one, I think one of my favorite ones is during my niece’s birthday party. Our entire family was there, and in the picture, I am half covering my uncle’s face. It’s in the centre of my board, and it’s special to me.

A gift from the best brother there is! Attempts of capturing father’s day by a very untalented me! #gettingthere #instantcamera

120 Likes, 12 Comments – Yashaswini Dayama (@yashaswinidayama) on Instagram: “A gift from the best brother there is! Attempts of capturing father’s day by a very untalented me!…”

Tell me one fun fact about you, other than the fact that you have to stand on boxes in movies.

I’m very humble. Also, I feel like I can be very appealing or very annoying, both at the same time.

I can testify to her humility, because when I asked her for the interview, she said, “I don’t know why you want to interview me.”

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