Saturday, March 15 2025, 11:36:29
  • fatasstic

We Support #Curvy. Do You?

  • IWB Post
  •  July 29, 2015

The hashtag #curvy is making rounds on Instagram again! Again because sometime back Instagram banned the usage of the word ‘curvy’ after people were posting nude photos.

This, obviously, brought an outrage among women with rounded body-type and plus-size structure who hold pride in having a curvaceous figure. It was implied that words like #thin, #skinny (the opposites of curvy) are positive to use on internet.

To fight this injustice, women began using #curvee and #BringCurvyBack in their photos posted on Instagram.

Do my curves offend you, Instagram? #curvee

A photo posted by Becky Bedbug (@beckybedbug) on


There are thousands of other offensive words that exist on Instagram like ‘fat’, ‘fatty’, ‘skinny’, etc. Why haven’t they been banned till now? Anyway, the new hashtag #Curvee, though was brought into use for protesting, is now inspiring people and promoting their body shapes with confidence.

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