For some of us, social work will always be a duty of sort. But not for these two teenagers: 16-year-old Maiooma Khan and 14-year-old Aamir Khan. This brother-sister duo sacrificed the scholarship money provided to them so that a toilet could be built in Mainooma’s school.
Maharani Laxmi Bai Girls Higher Secondary School is located in Madhya Pradesh. Earlier, Mainooma would get agitated by seeing that there was always a queue in front of the only one bathroom that the school had.
Thus, with some contribution from their father, these children were able to get another toilet built. Where does so much selflessness arise from?
It indeed fills us with pride to see that the youth of tomorrow is not self-centered and self-absorbed. Also, Maimoona persistently wrote letters to the state Prime Minister, Shivraj Chauhan to get a road built that would get her school connected to the rest of the district. And her efforts bore fruit too!
On another note, scholarship money is so precious, and anyone would find it hard to give it away, but these two teens have a heart of gold that looked out for others before themselves.