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Trump’s Campaign Manager Blames Rape On Women’s Weakness

  • IWB Post
  •  September 2, 2016


Just when you thought Donald Trump was too much, he brought in *Drum roll* Kellyanne Conway aka Trump’s campaign manager.

In an episode of PBS roundtable discussion “To The Contrary,” from 2013, Conway stated that “rape would not exist” if women were physically stronger.

Uh, okay then?

During the episode, Conway discussed sexual assault in the military. A few days before the episode, the then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta lifted the ban on women in the military fighting in combat roles.

While discussing, Conway said:

“If we were physiologically — not mentally, emotionally, professionally — equal to men, if we were physiologically as strong as men, rape would not exist. You would be able to defend yourself and fight him off.”

*Stink eye*

Okay, first of all, her statement ignores the fact that men can also be sexually assaulted. Answer this: According to RAINN, one of every ten rape victims is a male. Aren’t men physically stronger?

Her comments give birth to dangerous ideas which state that women should do more to prevent an assault or stop it from happening.

What she said is a veiled form of victim blaming.

I think it’s not women who need to be physically stronger; it’s Conway who needs to get mentally stronger and reconsider why she’s working for a misogynist weirdo.

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