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To Create A Better Society, These NGOs Are Supporting Sexual Assault Survivors In Various Ways

  • IWB Post
  •  March 27, 2019

While being a part of heated debates in canteens or nukkad tea stalls, it is easy for us to remark that the system has failed to bring down the number of sexual assaults that take place every day. While we often look at whether the government has been unable to perform its duties, seldom do we ponder about the responsibilities bestowed upon us.

Aren’t we a part of this nation too?

As per a report of, ‘Dispensing funds for relief and rehabilitation of rape victims lay unused at the Centre.’ Bringing a change to society, NGOs are becoming the extended hands of the government to assist them in creating awareness.

Inspired by their tremendous work, IWB contacted three NGOs, Muktha Foundation, Prayaas Corps, and Naya Sawera, who are providing emergency support and counseling to survivors of sexual assault.

Here are the excerpts:

In conversation with Ashwini N.V of Muktha Foundation


Muktha Foundation is a Bangalore-based organization committed to preventing all forms of abuse and promoting mental health awareness. It is founded by psychologist Ashwini N.V.  In a recent campaign, a team of mental health professionals led by Ashwini travelled to all 29 State Capitals and 3 Union Territories for 90 days non-stop to conduct over 150+ Programmes to train over 1 Lakh children and other stakeholders such as teachers, parents, NGO professionals, members of religious congregations, and community members on ways to prevent child sexual abuse. The project is titled ‘Bhayamukth Bharat’ and the motto is ‘Child Safety, National Priority’.

Can you please explain the vision and the work of Muktha Foundation.

We focus on training, research, and advocacy pertaining to prevention of abuse and promotion of mental health. We are currently working on the following four projects: Project Bhayamuktha, Project Muktha Abhivyaktha, Project Muktha Katha, and Project Muktha Vruttha.

How can we help survivors with the healing process? How is the government playing its part in helping them?

It is important that the survivors receive emotional support to recuperate from the trauma of abuse through counseling from professional mental health personnel. However, laypersons too can support the survivors of abuse using listening skills and by providing necessary referrals. I propose a simple model that I call the CARE model.

C – Connect with the survivor of abuse. Build rapport, provide a safe environment for them to share their story.

A – Acknowledge their experiences. Just listen without judging, without interrupting.

R – Refer them to medical, legal, psychological professionals for further care and support.

E – Engage in conversations with them as they seek professional help. Check from time to time if they are all right.

There is a lot of stigma around sexual abuse survivors. How can the situation be improved?

Stigma around child sexual abuse will end the moment we realize that child sexual abuse is never the child’s fault. It is always the abuser’s fault. We need more nuanced dialogue on this pertinent matter. The campaign that Muktha Foundation had launched is a prime example of such an effort to tackle stigma around the topic.


In conversation with Jaspal Godara of Prayaas Corps


Prayaas corps is a non-profit organization founded by Jaspal Godara. The NGO is working with the vision of forming a society where every citizen would understand their moral duties towards their society and work hand in hand for the betterment of our nation.

How is Prayaas Corps helping sexual assault survivors?

Our perspective is to form a society where every citizen should understand their moral duties towards their society and work hand in hand for the betterment of our nation. Through our NGO, we take counseling sessions so that they get a chance to open up.

How well is society playing its part in helping sexual assault survivors?

Our society still considers women as an object. They are passing on this mentality from generation to generation. The dirt and stigma around such sensitive topics need to be abolished from society. A slight change in their mentality can be observed but it is not enough. The support from society is minimal.

How can the current situation be improved?

The current situation can be improved by helping the survivors at a bigger level. We can help the survivors by establishing shelter homes and ensuring medical facilities which could improve the situation.


In conversation with Akhilesh Maheshwari and Mamta Verma of Naya Sawera


Naya Sawera is a registered Non-Government & Not-For-Profit Charitable Organization founded by Akhilesh Maheshwari. Along with the coordinator, Mamta Verma, the NGO aims to support people deprived of basic needs while nurturing talents that cannot avail proper facilities.

How can we support sexual assault survivors?

We believe that it is important to provide emotional support to the survivors. Various aspects can be covered, as many of them need medical help, support from their family and society and a rigid legal system which could ensure justice.

Why is there so much stigma surrounding them?

After such heinous crimes, their families often step back. Such issues are sensitive in nature and society doesn’t contribute in a way it is supposed to be. The society still revolves around roktok.

After facing such traumatic experiences, how is their mental health affected?

Women are willing to fight against it but usually step back because they aren’t independent and lack the courage to step up. We talk to them personally and try to understand their point of view.

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