Saturday, March 15 2025, 05:31:52
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This Company Supports Breastfeeding & Has Rules To Support Nursing Mothers Visiting Its Stores.

  • IWB Post
  •  July 20, 2015

We have been hearing the stories of how breastfeeding is considered as an ‘act of indignity’ if carried on in public. We have stories of restaurants, shopping stores kicking our breastfeeding mothers out, because they consider it ‘unethical’.
To oppose, many celebs have been regularly sharing their photos of breastfeeding to show there is no shame in breastfeeding your child in public. For example, model mom Nicole Trunfio posing while breastfeeding her son for a magazine.

So we were surprised reading the news about ‘Target’ that has put up a special board in their store asking its employees to coordinate with nursing mothers. The board says:inside

“Guests may openly breastfeed in our stores or ask where they can go to breastfeed their child. When this happens, remember these points:
• Target’s policy supports breastfeeding in any area of our stores, including our fitting rooms, even if others are waiting
• If you see a guest breastfeeding in our stores, do not approach her
• If she approaches and asks you for a location to breastfeed, offer the fitting room (do not offer the restroom as an option)
If you have any questions, partner with your leader.”

Amazing, isn’t it? A message on FB appreciating its efforts says, “Kudos to Target for their breastfeeding friendly policy. Other businesses should take note. Please share this everywhere especially on the Facebook pages of the businesses known to discriminate against breastfeeding!”

Oh, how we wish something like this is initiated in Jaipur too!

PS – Don’t for get to check out our campaign on Breastfeeding we did last year -‘I feed Breastfeeding‘. Also to celebrate the Breastfeeding Week in August this year, we have already started working on a new campaign. Stay tuned!

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