These Honest Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood And Career Is The Inspiration Working Moms Need
- IWB Post
- August 6, 2019

“I think it’s important to lift other working mamas up and encourage one another because nobody understands better than mothers, we are in this together! Here’s to the working mamas let’s show them that it’s possible to have it all even if we struggle finding the balance.”
These encouraging words are by Seattle’s Brittany Barnard who identifies herself as a mom first but gives equal importance to the fact that she is a career-oriented woman. Featured on a wonderful Instagram page, Millennial Working Moms, her story is just one of the experiences shared by many new moms who are balancing career and motherhood.
Millennial Working Moms is a “community for working mothers” which was created to support new and veteran mothers and give them a place with “no judgment where moms can get advice, tips, and support on all things related to motherhood and their career.”
“We want to be here by your side to encourage, motivate, and support you as you navigate through motherhood and your own personal goals and dreams. We want to be a reminder for you that you can be an amazing mother and still chase your dreams,” reads their website.
Their sole goal is to remind and make everyone realize that every mom is a working mom “from the moment our bodies begin working on our beautiful babies, to delivery, postpartum, nursing, going back to work, and finding the time to balancing it all.”
Here are some heartwarming stories of amazing moms from around the world:
Sending so much love to all the hard working mamas out there! Because moms are magical multitasking queens! 👑 Sharing this sweet post by Jasmine Sublime from Detroit, Michigan. @_livingforjasmine is a model, photographer, and graphic designer. 🤗❤️ ⠀ “Take your baby to work. At this time she was worn out from working with mommy. You have to do what you have to do as a parent! I remember when I thought having a kid was gonna hold me back but it did nothing but motivate me! I love when she can see what mommy and daddy do to provide, and ENJOY while we’re at it!” – Jasmine S. // @_livingforjasmine ⠀ ✨Join our tribe @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨ ⠀ 📸 @iamdsum
157 Likes, 5 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “Sending so much love to all the hard working mamas out there! Because moms are magical multitasking…”
☕️👣”Barefoot. PJ’s. 4hr-old-remicrowaved-oatmeal. Coffee. Also remicrowaved. Baby on breast. So damn happy for the 15 minutes of solid work time. Off to a good start.” – Adi V. // @adi.vidal ⠀ ✨Join our tribe @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨
834 Likes, 48 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “☕️👣”Barefoot. PJ’s. 4hr-old-remicrowaved-oatmeal. Coffee. Also remicrowaved. Baby on breast. So…”
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! 🤗 Today we are featuring Sara Beth Urban- mom to an adorable 2-year-old boy and wife to the love of her life. @sarabethurban works for the State of Tennessee Tourism office as part of outreach and engagement. @sarabethurban is also chair of her neighborhood association and a Tennessee Promise Mentor for students getting ready to attend college. 🎓 ⠀ “I love finding the humor in balancing motherhood, work, a social life (what’s that?), and my community involvement. I’m dedicated to improving my community and showing my son that you can be a mom and have your own ambitions…” SCROLL to read more👉🏼👉🏼 ⠀ ✨Follow @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨
214 Likes, 15 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! 🤗 Today we are featuring Sara Beth Urban- mom to an…”
“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.” -Linda Wooten ⠀ Today we are featuring Viral Paun- mom to an adorable 3 year old girl and another on the way! 🤗 Viral works and lives in the Bay Area in California and works for a technology company where she focuses on Human Capital Management. @beautifulbyv is also a certified makeup artist and on her spare time likes to review beauty and skincare brands.💄 ⠀ ✨Join our tribe @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨
112 Likes, 6 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “”Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you…”
QOTD: What is 1️⃣ thing you wish you knew before you became a mom? ⠀ Today we are featuring Jessie from Chicago, Illinois. Jessie answered this question and said “you need to let go and do the best you can.” @ourdaysinthechi is mom of two adorable girls, 4 and 2.5 years old, and works a traditional corporate job in the Product Department of a large insurance company. One of her biggest accomplishments include training and completing the Chicago Marathon in 2017 with both of her daughters there to cheer her on, as well as currently pursuing her MBA part-time. 🎓🏃🏼♀️ ⠀ Jessie’s favorite thing about being a mother is having the opportunity to experience life with her daughters. She loves when they tell her stories or ask her questions. Writing is one of her main hobbies and she is currently working on launching her blog. Follow her adventures @ourdaysinthechi 👈🏼 ⠀ ✨Join our tribe @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨
117 Likes, 15 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “QOTD: What is 1️⃣ thing you wish you knew before you became a mom? ⠀ Today we are featuring Jessie…”
Today we are featuring @amanda.polacek who is going back to work tomorrow after being on maternity leave with her twin babes! Amanda started @maammarketing to help overwhelmed small business owners navigate the vast universe of online marketing, and to make the most of the resources they may already have. @maammarketing specializes in helping small businesses (less than five full-time employees) grow their clientele through digital marketing.💻 ⠀ So excited for you mama! Sending so much love your way and a ton of positive vibes! ✨❤️✨You are going to do amazing! The first few weeks can be challenging but you just need to take your time and remember that it is ok to not feel like you are 100% back right away- it takes time. So don’t worry if you can’t remember a thing or two, eventually you fall right into your new routine with your babes. ⠀ “Heading back to work full-time tomorrow. Being home with our twin infants was a crazy whirlwind, and definitely the hardest adjustment into reality I’ve ever experienced. And I know it sounds cheesy and cliche but I am truly glad God chose me to be these babies’ mom, and that everything does happen for a reason. As of tomorrow morning I will be a marketer during workday daytime hours, and a mother every other moment. This is the best plan for our family right now.” – Amanda Polacek // @amanda.polacek ⠀ Share all the advice and good thoughts you have below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
207 Likes, 17 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “Today we are featuring @amanda.polacek who is going back to work tomorrow after being on maternity…”
This week a mom reached out and asked if we ever shared stories of moms currently going to school. The answer is a huge YES! We’ve featured a few in the past and will continue to do so. As a matter of fact, we are featuring one right now! 😬 Any mama who is doing everything and anything in her power to provide for her kids is a working mama to us! Because #allmomsareworkingmoms 🤗❤️ ⠀ “I kissed him goodbye today while he was sitting in his bouncer and as I was closing the back door he looked up from his toy and stared at me all wide eyed and perfect and it was the WORST. I fought back tears the whole way to school. 😭 I’m doing this for you sweet baby. So you can have a better life, so you can go to college, so you can know your Mom never quit no matter how hard it was. I honestly can’t wait to see who he’ll be when he grows up. I want him to know he can dream as big as he wants secretly hoping he’ll be a nurse or doctor or PA but if he decides he loves tech and business like dada that’s fine too. This baby has been such an amazing part of my nursing school journey. I’ve honestly felt like every step of the way, we’ve been in this together. From semester 1 (with morning sickness) cleaning up defecated sheets 3x in a row for the same patient, to med surg and pharmacology, staying up until 2 am reciting drugs with him doing flips in my belly, to my psych rotation where a Psych patient asked if it was his baby… 😳😳😳 And now here we are senior year, so close! We can do this 🙌🏼 keep going student mommas! You got this.” – Cassia E. // ⠀ ✨Join our tribe @millennialworkingmoms for advice, features, tips, and support!✨
833 Likes, 32 Comments – Millennial Working Moms (@millennialworkingmoms) on Instagram: “This week a mom reached out and asked if we ever shared stories of moms currently going to school….”
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