
The Online Dictionary Recently ‘Manspreaded’. Find Out What That Means!

By Priya Motiani

July 21, 2016


People (including me) who survive through the aid of online dictionaries will be glaaad to know that just a day or two back, added over 300 new words to its database.

These include words like Hijra, manspread, al desko, ghosting, mom jeans, NBD, panromantic… okay well, I guess if I go on I’ll end up narrating all of the additions.

But, tbh, the fact is I did get selective in stating instances of the addition – stating those which interested me the most.

Want to have a look at some meanings? Scroll on, my friends!

al desko: eating at one’s desk in an office.

*I al desko All. The. Time.*

free-range parenting: a style of child rearing in which parents allow their children to move about without constant adult supervision, aimed at instilling independence and self-reliance.

*This one’s pretty cool!*

ghosting: the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship.

hijra: a person whose gender identity is neither male nor female, typically a person who was born male and dresses as a woman.

manspread: to sit with one’s legs far apart, taking up too much space on a seat shared with other people.

mom jeans: unstylish women’s jeans.

*I’m not very happy with this coinage. Grrrr!*

NBD: acronym for no big deal.

panromantic: noting or relating to a person who is romantically attracted to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

presstitute: a journalist or media source whose news coverage is considered to be inappropriately influenced by business interests, political motives, etc.

totes: totally.

*Call me old-fashioned, but I’d still say totally over totes. Totally cringing right now!*

Because you’ve endured the entire list of my favorites, I bless you with the magical prowess to never forget these. Go flaunt some cool lingo, my friends!