Since forever I have been in a love-hate relationship with my curly hair that tends to get frizzy slightly more than often. This should suffice to explain my awe with the beyond perfect hair shown in hair product commercials.
In 2017, a BBC documentary titled Hair Care Secrets attempted to debunk hair myths. A section of the documentary attempted to recreate hair product commercial. The section was really fascinating in the sense that it gave the viewers insight into the makings of a hair product commercial.
The commercial showed how the green-screen technology is employed to achieve the perfectly bouncy and voluminous hair look. The documentary also explained the strategic use of light to create the simulacra of ultra-glossy hair. Now Suave has come up with yet another hair campaign that gives us a peek into what’s goes into the making of a hair product advertisement.
Apparently, none of the models or actresses actually possess the unnaturally perfect hair that is shown in all these commercials and a lot of trickery goes into their making. Yes, you read that right a lot of trickery, more than you could have fathomed.
As a part of its ‘Hair, You Can Believe campaign,’ Suave has released a video. The video uncovers the oodles of sorcery that goes into the projection of unbelievably beautiful hair. Here are some of the secrets that the commercial unveils:
Use of green screen technology
What’s that you ask? Basic as it might sound, it is crazy and downright weird. A picture might help you grasp it better so here is one:
Yes, what you just looked at is no twisted joke. Yes, there is a man wearing full-body green suit standing in front of a green screen while holding a green stick. All that green is, of course, to be edited out later. This technology makes the hair look oh so flowy, bouncy, and dreamy.
Styrofoam balls for unattainable volume
While you just get to see the front profile of the model, a lot is happening at the back. The hair stylists are pretty flexible that way as they believe in fake it if you can’t make it. Take a look here:
Oddles of fake hair of course
Fake hair for a hair product commercial? Everything is fine in love, war, and hair commercial ads. Check out the picture below:
Watch the entire video here:
In 2015 celebrity hairstylist Ken Paves shared some really crazy hair commercial styling secrets with Marie Claire. One of them went like: “I’ve stood on a ladder above a model and held her hair a foot above her head, then dropped the hair over and over until we caught the perfect shot.”
So much for flawless beauty and hair only to find out that we are all following a chimera? High time we all learn to embrace ourselves and stop chasing unreal beauty standards.
H/T: Cosmopolitan