The times when you look at someone vulnerable around you and want to help him/her but don’t know how to, Tata Capital comes to your rescue with their online project Salaam Loans.
People whose loan applications get rejected on the basis of their life situations apply at Salaam Loans. This could be your maid, driver, a roadside vendor or their kin. The platform then narrates their stories and invites us to nominate the ones we like the most and vote for their loans.
So far, the organization has helped hundreds of people stand on their feet and become financially independent.
The Better India quoted them saying, “Your driver needed help to tide over a difficult situation. Your housemaid sought monetary support to help her talented children stand up on their own feet. Your newspaper delivery boy wanted to start his own business. Your office peon desired to secure a loan for his children to dream of bigger things than he could provide for.
You can recall many such instances where you could have helped but either did not or could not. Often, you rationalized and consoled yourself with a determination to help the ‘next time.’”
Below are four such stories that will give you an insight in the lives of those who’ve received aid from Tata Capital.
Prithviraj Jaadeja
Prithviraj, who works as a bag repairer, wants to setup a small manufacturing unit of his own so that he can sell the bags that he makes. His biggest struggle was to put together the capital needed for his business plans.
His attempts at getting a loan were only met with rejection. Prithviraj’s compelling story got viewer’s support, to which he said, “Public ka itna bharosa milne sey mera sapna jaroor poora hoga.”
Swati Pagare
She faced disappointment early in life when she could not pursue studies after 10th standard as her parents suffered from financial difficulties. She married at the age of 18 and spent 19 years of married life with two children and two setbacks.
The first setback occurred when her husband lost his job due to which she and her family faced financial problems.
She felt she should and could contribute to household finances by doing something on her own. Since she loved spices she learned the business of spices. She was doing well in the business when she faced another setback when her husband got transferred to another city and she had to close down her spice business. She rewired herself to start a ready-made garments business which she felt would help solve her family’s financial problems. She faced yet another setback when she faced hurdles in obtaining a business loan. Taking all this in her stride and not losing an ounce of faith in herself she pressed on. When she approached Tata Capital, they saluted her dogged determination and granted her a business loan. They share with delight that Ms. Pagare is happy with her own business and is prospering.
Rupesh Bhalerao
Rupesh got struck by Polio when he was around 8. Since then, both his legs were rendered impaired. Such circumstances also took away many opportunities that he could have had. His situation got more demotivating when his parents couldn’t afford to take care of him, and he was left with his grandparents, since then.
His grandparents are now deceased, but Rupesh manages to get by with a bookbinding job at a printing press. He is also now taken care of by his uncle and aunt.
Rupesh has shown immense courage and the right attitude to look beyond his disability and reimagining himself as a business owner. Now, thanks to the magnanimous support given by the people of India, Rupesh makes sure that his vision gets the focus it needs.