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A Story of (dis)Obedient Husband!

  • IWB Post
  •  February 26, 2015


A wise man is one who listens to his wife – anonymous.

Is that so? Today’s story is a bit old but deserves a show. This Jaipur Literature Festival 2015, we met a couple who although are strongly bonded by their common love for literature, have one thing that separates them. We are writing about them because we feel this one difference makes their relation stronger. Meet this Jaipur couple – Ashok and Nita Gupta.

Quite unusual it is because when you reach your sixties, you already have adjusted to your partner’s choices. Isn’t it? Their story contradicts this fact which gives us love-goosebumps!

Mr. Ashok is a retired G.M of a National Oil Company and Mrs. Nita is a retired teacher. We were enthralled seeing the eager Ashok fascinated by a tattoo kiosk at the fest.

No way. No way that you’re getting a tattoo done on your body,” declared Nita.

But a small one is no harm,” appealed Ashok.

After a 15-something second argument, we noticed the couple leaving the kiosk only to see Ashok coming back and telling the tattoo artist to get a design ready for him. (Tee Hee!)

After an hour, the curious Ashok was sitting next to the artist discussing his tattoo design.

JWB – So finally you’re here.

Ashok – My wife doesn’t know about it.

JWB – We guessed so.

Ashok – I have dropped her home for lunch and have told her that I am going to attend the ‘important’ session of Shashi Tharoor.

JWB – You are a smart man. But aren’t you afraid of sleeping on the sofa tonight?

Ashok – I am not telling her about it.

JWB – Till?

Ashok – Till winter gets over. Full sleeves come to my rescue.

JWB – By the way, we are Jaipur Women Blog and we want to feature you on our blog.

Ashok – Great, what are you going to write about me?

JWB – The ‘Husband in You’.

Ashok – Me and my wife share a very beautiful bond. Our kids are big and so, we are enjoying the second honeymoon phase. I have been adventurous all my life and getting a tattoo or ears pierced was always in the back of my mind. Because of job, I couldn’t get all that done.

JWB – But your wife seems to be against all this.

Ashok – She knows my intentions very well.

JWB – Go on…

Ashok – We both have our own space but I think somewhere she is scared of the word ‘tattoo’ and is using her anger to stop me. She has told she is not going to talk to me if I get a tattoo. (smiles sheepishly)

JWB – Women are like this.

Ashok – I strongly believe that the husband plays a very crucial role in making a marriage successful. Women are more emotional than men and men, if they try, can handle most of the fights.

Golden words. Anyway, have a look at his tattoo.

JWB – Why have you chosen an eagle?

Ashok – I always wanted to be in army, wearing green and being close to Mother Nature. This eagle represents a part inside me.IMG-20150225-WA0001

We guess, by now Nita has seen his tattoo already. BTW, care for more golden words from this husband of a beautiful Jaipur woman?

“If you can tackle your wife, you can face the world,” remarks Ashok.


NOTE: The beautiful tattoo has been done by a Delhi based Artist Jerry who is in town till 28th Feb. If you want to get inked, call up Jerry at 09891873797.

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