
Spider Woman Is Going To Be A Pregnant Superhero!

By admin

July 08, 2015

Few months back Marvel Comics introduced the world’s first teenage Muslim superhero. They are back with another twist to break the gender stereotype.

The publication is bringing to you a pregnant superhero! Yes!

From October, Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman will be seen in the comics with a fully grown tummy!

“Parent by day. Hero by night,” reads the cover issue of this Spider-Woman series.

Comics Consultant Joan Hilty in an interview with Yahoo Parenting said:

“It’s significant that such a high profile super-heroine is having a number one issue of her book kicked off with this as a main aspect of her life. There have been very few instances where we follow a hero working to raise a child from day one. Having that be an integral part of the story could be a great thing because, of course, parenting is an epic story in and of itself. I think bringing in female readers is definitely a part of this. Especially because females are such a fast growing readership and movie audience for this type of entertainment.”

We can’t wait to lay our hands on it! And you?