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Sonal Chaturvedi: Dentist By Profession, Writer By Heart

  • IWB Post
  •  June 29, 2015


It comes as no surprise that many of the greatest writers have been doctors. For example: Khaled Hosseini, Mikhail Bulgakov, Vincent Lam and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

So when we went to meet dentist Sonal Chaturvedi of Jaipur, we were excited to delve into the rational and lyrical mind. She has recently launched her first fictional novel “Years Excavated”. She calls the book a silent tale of relations, ambitions and heartbreaks._MG_0163-1

Have you always been interested in writing?

Since childhood I have loved writing poems and short stories. However, I never thought that I would publish my own book one day.

_MG_0128-1When did you decide to write this book? Also tell us about the reactions of your family when you first disclosed your writing ambition?

I used to get a lot of free time while doing my PhD and devoted that time to reading. My mind was filled with so many thoughts. This book is an attempt to express them. My dad was shocked. He asked me if I was serious. However, my parents were supportive when I started writing. My brother is my best critic. He honestly reflected on my writing style and gave me reviews to make it better. Thankfully, I am receiving good reviews. I hope this trend continues with my upcoming works._MG_0148-1How do you personally connect with the story of your book?

Although the main character of my book, Ana, is not a doctor, I feel she is very similar to me. I was never a fan of the arranged marriage but I met my fiance in an arranged setting. The protagonist of my book, Ana is very romantic but lonely. After going through certain bad experiences in relationships, she decides to get married to a person of her family’s choice. The main story starts when she gives birth to a daughter and makes sure she does not repeat the mistakes her mother made._MG_0152-1According to you, what is the USP of your book?

One is language. It is powerful enough to rise agitation in readers. In addition, I have written a poem for each chapter summarizing the essence of its story._MG_0156-1What are your upcoming plans in writing?

I am working on my upcoming book “The Corridor Whispers’ which is planned to be published in August._MG_0180-1Who is your inspiration?

Such authors as Vikram Sampath and Agatha Christie inspire my writing a lot. However, I consider my mother as the true inspiration. She has written six books so far. The best thing about her is that, being a working woman, she knows how to strike a work-life balance. After marriage, she completed her PhD but never let the family get affected by her ambitions._MG_0192-1What are your other areas of interest?

I like investing my time into reading and watching movies. I prefer reading mystery books and biographies. Currently I am reading ‘The Last Lecture’ by Jeffrey Zaslow. Also, I am a big Bollywood masala movie fan. Romantic comedies and animation movies also please me. Whenever I feel sad, I watch my favorite movie ‘The Holiday’ which works as an antidepressant for me.

Travelling is another passion. I have travelled all across India, and Goa has been my favorite so far. I call it a liberating experience. It was a nice break for me before my PhD._MG_0199-1Do you think that fiction has nothing to do with reality?

I believe that nothing comes out of pure imagination. There is always a connection between fiction and reality. It is the reality which leads to fiction. The events occurring in your life provide you a base to further build up an imaginary world._MG_0093-1-2Being a doctor, isn’t it difficult for you to take out time for writing?

I manage it because I consider both these things equally important in my life. I feel that my practice has helped me evolve as a human being, and my writing has made me more intellectual and thoughtful._MG_0103-1Wow! So being a doctor, what your one tip for our readers?

Always keep smiling. But to have a beautiful smile, it is important to have healthy teeth. So eat healthy and rinse your mouth after every meal. Also go for regular dental checkups.

Photo Courtesy: Nupur Agarwal

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