During the counselling session at Palace School our small heroine Ananya learnt why it was important to read aloud, how to manage classes and get time for her favorite reading, how to interpret book content while discussing it with her mom and many other useful reading tips. Today this 9 year old lady will rule your hear as a real queen!
Mother Ruchira told us in the beginning of the Pram Library Campaign that if she ever wrote a book about her daughter, it would be titled ‘Drama Queen’. Max Fashions (MGF Mall) brings this innocent mommy’s dream live for you! Enjoy reading the book of poems ‘Drama Queen’.
She is an angel from the skies, and she would never tell a lie,
She has a magic in her words and spell in her sighs,
Clad with her innocence, pouring effervescence as she flies,
She is a queen of her drama,
That she performs in the skies.
She is like a palette of colors,
That fills rainbow in the sky,
Her heart is white with a love undefined,
She paints colors of happiness in the shades that she likes,
She is a Queen of her Drama,
That she performs in the skies.
She dresses like a princess and looks tender and divine,
Different clothes she wears portrays beauty in her choice,
She is a Queen of her Drama,
That she performs in the skies.
With wings of a fairy, her belief is sky high,
There might be days of sorrow, but never she forgets to smile,
She is a Queen of her Drama,
That she performs in the skies.
My dear, she never fears, be it ghosts in the night,
She enjoys each moment blissfully, and she would never defy,
She is a Queen of her Drama,
That she performs in the skies.
She doesn’t believe in being a protagonist, claiming all the lime light,
Togetherness and geniality is what her persona defines,
She drives the ship of life, making the ocean purify,
She is a Queen of her Drama,
That she performs in the skies.
We thank Max Fashions (MGF Mall) for beautiful portrayal of our little queen with dresses from adorable kids’ collection. The magic in each photo was brought by our photographer Mr. Vinod Singh Gusain.