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Apoorva Virmani

IWB Blogger

Papa Sanjay Parashar & Daughter Gargi Talk About Their Business Bond

  • IWB Post
  •  July 23, 2015

This was the first interview I did for the campaign ‘Papa Singh and Daughters.’ The campaign aims to change the ancient mentality of people who believe that only sons deserve to take their father’s legacies ahead, and discovers the dads who run their business with their daughters.

“Their awesomeness made me envious” was all I could say after I stepped out of their office. Let’s get acquainted with this amazing duo I met. The director of Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mr. Sanjay Parashar and his elder daughter, Gargi Parashar, who assists him in administration of the college.   _MG_9405a

So, how did it all start?

Sanjay: Every father wants his kid to carry his legacy forward. I too hoped for the same. But, Gargi had no interest in teaching. She wanted to go abroad to pursue higher studies. I did try convincing but never imposed my decision on her…just told her one thing, that if she ever developed an interest in teaching, the degree from abroad would be of no use. Eventually, she changed her mind and ended up here, working with me.

Gargi: Yeah! I realized that it’s better to invest my skill right here. It is a decent job. There is no fuss about the working hours. Plus, staying around students makes me feel young. Their zealous spirit is so elevating.

They had a lot to say about how working together has improved their relationship._MG_9392a
Gargi: Since childhood, my sister and I have been really-really attached to our parents. Working together has strengthened our relationship. We stay together for more than half of the day. While working, he is my boss, but because he’s my father too, he is more close to me than he is to anyone else in the organization. The other times, we are more like friends. I can share everything with him. We look up to each other for frank advises.


As she recollected a few incidents, sir beamed with ecstatic nostalgia.

But hey, don’t interpret that working with your dad is all roses. As an employee, Mr. Sanjay Parashar rated her average, over which they had a playful argument:

Sanjay: (teasingly) As an employee, she is average!

Gargi: Yeah, because I’ve not been working for a few days!

Sanjay: She takes work very casually. One must be regular to work.

Gargi:  (To us) See, I told you I’m treated just like the rest of employees! The accountants have stopped paying me.  


After lightening the atmosphere by pulling his daughter’s leg, sir didn’t abstain from praising her too. With pride in his eyes, he appreciated her serenity and how she makes everyone around her feel comfortable. And yes, we couldn’t agree more.

Sanjay: She is more popular with the students. She gives them the encouragement they require…motivating them to participate in the cultural activities. Whenever there is a problem, they confide in her. Through Gargi, they feel more connected to the organization.

Gargi feels blessed to work with her father. Her father always has her back. Not just that, she also gets to learn from his experience. Mr. Sanjay Parashar makes sure that the mistakes he made aren’t repeated by his daughter.

Sanjay:As an employer, I cannot teach things to all my employees, but as a father, I can teach my girls.”_MG_9244a

For how long do you work each day?

Gargi: I come to the office at around 10. Time to go back home isn’t fixed. We always go home together.

Do you plan on working with your dad even after you get married?

Gargi: That depends on the city where I get married. If I stay here, then definitely! I love working here!_MG_9431a

Can you manage work without her?

 Sanjay: I’ve grown so used to her presence. We have our lunch together.  Drive back home together. I discuss all the confidential issues with her. I’m definitely going to miss her. _MG_9424a

 While most of the business-class families still wait for a baby boy to carry their legacies forward (duh-uh people!), this awesome lot doesn’t care which gender runs the family business. Instead of flipping out like “Gabbar Singh of Sholay,” they always “more than happily” welcomed the idea of Gargi joining in. They had faith in her ability and talent. According to their mother, people blessed with daughters must “thank their lucky stars”.

If you’re a woman, who is running a business with your father, tell us on, and we’ll feature your story.

Picture Courtesy: Shashank K. Tyagi

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