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Our Students From ‘Classroom On Wheels’ Drew X-mas Wishes. Can You Be Their Santa?

  • IWB Post
  •  December 5, 2015


Want to know how our little kiddos from ‘Classroom on Wheels’ are doing? It’s been few weeks with them and we are safe to say, we’ve fallen in love with these kids. Today’s story is all about their wishes which they think Santa Claus will fulfill this coming Christmas.

To begin with, let us tell you how we’ve divided these naughty-ones into 3 parts: Group 1 (aged 9-14), Group 2 (aged 4-8), and Group 3 (aged 2-4). This is done according to their understanding level and skills. Psst…with the smallest ones, we’re still trying to be friends with. Their not-so-sweet mood swings sometimes confuse us! Ha-ha.


For this ‘Classroom on Wheels’ session that held at Jyoti Nagar slum area, team JWB decided to give wings to their imagination. But before keeping aside the books, our team taught them few lessons of Mathematics and Environmental Science. They are yet to differentiate between a crow and a sparrow!



We thank Saurabh Parmar, the teacher who is associated with this cause, and Saloni Jain, the beautiful volunteer who had come to assist us during this particular class.

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We distributed among them blank white sheets along with pencils and wax colors. We then asked them to draw pictures of gifts they expect to get this Christmas.

Dear friends, get your napkins ready because you’re about to shed a tear or two after looking at their innocent heart wishes.


Most of these, actually all of them, are deprived of basic life necessities. This includes a very crucial part of their childhood – toys. The lovely children drew various toys on these blank sheets telling the world about their babyish fantasies.

Their naïve minds only yearn for most simplistic and obvious things like dolls and cricket kits, you see. 17 asked for bat-ball kit, 23 for dolls and rest 9 others asked for toys like soft-toy flowers and kitchen-set.


We invite all our dear readers to kindly donate the toys for these beautiful souls, because we can’t do it without your support. Please try to donate new toys, since it’s Christmas!! In case you’re donating old toys, please make sure they’re in proper condition.

For any query, write to us at

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