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Olympian Dara Torres Has Tips For Parents Whose Kids Love Swimming

  • IWB Post
  •  August 3, 2015

Olympian Dara Torres is an Olympian who is also the spokeswoman for SwimToday, which connects parents and kids with swim teams near them. Her daughter, too, is fond of swimming, and the way Dara is training her is outstanding.

Below are the excerpts from her interview with Today Parents.

Dara has competed in five Olympic Games winning 12 Olympic medals. She trains her daughter twice a week. She says, “I leave and go to dinner! It keeps me from getting too involved or looking at coach and thinking, ‘Wait a minute …’ I think it’s important to let the kids enjoy their time and let the coaches coach.”dara-torres-daughter-today-inline-150630_d39a2f0d20e14c474c2e0a1c5e44dc81

That’s true. We, as parents, sometimes become too obsessed with our kids’ activities forcing them to perfect the art rather than enjoying it. Dara gives example of her own mother saying, “My mom was very laid-back (as a swim mom). She took me to every swim meet, but she never questioned anything. She never watched my practices. I don’t know if she knew my times! But she was always there at every meet.”

Parents, feel free to take this tip from a legend’s mom.

Just like her mother, Dara is nurturing her daughter. She explains how, “So many parents enroll their children in swimming lessons but never really think about swimming as a team sport. It is, though! Being a part of a swim team is one of the most fun and most rewarding experiences a child can have. You’re cheering your teammates on and helping each other. It’s so much fun. My daughter’s always smiling after she goes swimming.”dara-torres-today-inline-04-150630_d39a2f0d20e14c474c2e0a1c5e44dc81

In the end, the ace swimmer even has an encouraging message for parents – “Once kids learn how to swim, it’s something they can keep doing all their lives. There are not a lot of injuries in swimming. It’s very easy on your joints.”

Dear women readers, do you love swimming? Want to share your story on our page? Write to us at

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