Our next candidate for SHElection Campaign, organized in the association with Nayaab Jewels, is an example for all those who consider the saree-claded woman archaic. She is an answer to all the uncountable fingers that point a woman towards the shell of traditions & customs.
Neha Khunteta, a Jewellery Merchandiser, was a candidate representing all the young professional women dreaming beyond the imagination.
As she entered Nayaab showroom, she couldn’t keep excitement away, whereas we failed keep passionate jewellery designer away from obsessive talks about jewellery, and thrilling glimpses at shining displays. The ring for her was supposed to be really special. And we had found the one – inflammable!
The make-up artist added a bit of rosiness to her child-like sincere cheeks, and highlighted her expressive eyes. She was ready to perform the manifesto of womanhood.
The photographer shot the fire across the room, making the creative explosion by Neha unavoidable. Shy in the beginning, she opened up in eager conversation and creative photo postures.
JWB: What is the importance of 49% women share for selecting the new government for our country?
Neha: I feel a woman is independent enough. She is capable enough to take her own decisions. If women don’t vote, many issues related to them will stay untold and unsolved.
JWB: What one issue would you put as the number 1 in your election agenda?
Neha: Casteism. The leader must stand for the country as a whole. Sonia Gandhi is running for Muslims support, Kejriwal is asking support from a common man; Ramdev Baba followers are majorly supporting BJP. So, why to play the policy of Divide and rule? Why they are approaching to different religions and castes? “Koi hindustan ke liye vote kyu nahi mangta”
The firing shots of the photographer rebounded in her words and sparkling eyes. Her puppet with trishool spread the blaze around. It was turn of Nayaab flame-shaped ring to have its say. Neha connected tips of her fingers imitating the light of Deepak. Since, she believes that a woman should guard the warm fireplace at home, balancing the tradition and innovation.
JWB: Women are multi-taskers and great home managers. What home management lesson women can teach candidates for running our country?
Neha: I would like to teach them time management. Actually, men are dependent on women. Even before leaving for office they ask for Tiffin from their mom or wife. So, men need to learn how collectively they can solve as many issues as possible during a certain period of time.
JWB: One question you would put up to the PM candidate in a personal meeting?
Neha: As a human being what you can do for India? Are you capable enough to solve the issues of corruption, rape cases etc?
In this answer we could reflect each woman who seeks security and protection. We continued conversation.
JWB: What one problem in Jaipur/ Rajasthan you look forward to be resolved after these elections?
Neha: Infrastructure problem and proper facility for garbage dump.
Yes, a very big issue it is, and ignored by everyone!
JWB: What level of individual independence a woman achieves in her decision to vote?
Neha: In urban areas about 60% women decide on their own for whom to vote. But conditions in rural areas are still inert. Women follow decisions of men in the family.
Originality and liberty of her expression during photo session empowered each following line.
JWB: Rajasthan is being ruled by women as the Mayor, the Governor, and the Chief Minister. Do you see any changes in lives of women next door?
Neha: I agree that changes happened. Now a woman became more independent. Mothers have come out from their homes and started learning many things by joining crash courses. They have started participating in different club activities.
JWB: We live in Democracy but women live in the authoritarian state. What is real definition of freedom according to you?
Neha: Free women are those who are free to take decisions in every aspect of their life.
Read about Shelection Campaign.
We thank Mr. Vinod Singh Gusain for catching every intimidating moment in his lenses. Visit his page to see the photography art.