Mommy, where is Daddy?
- IWB Post
- November 14, 2014

When it requires both man and woman to produce a baby, why not to have both of them for baby’s initial nurturing?
Why always a working mother has to take maternity leaves and why doesn’t the doting father ask for paternal leaves?
Why in the western countries it is okay for a father to sit at home and take care of the baby while the mother can freely decide to carry on her work? While in our society, we take it as something against manhood.
This is sexist and we are against this traditional ‘realm’.
Sadly, motherhood is no longer viewed as just a relationship with your children while bringing them up at home or school. But, it is seen (read imposed) as one fulfilling every demand and expectation related to child. Hence, the role of father automatically dissolves.
Probably, this is why girls, these days, don’t want to get married in their 20s and put their careers at stake because of pregnancy. Because, for them bearing a child is just not a matter of 9 months, but till the time child becomes big enough to eat and bathe on his or her own.
According to a survey, fathers are more likely to say that they want to work full time after they have a baby. And why not? After all, their employers think these fathers become more responsible and stable in their work once they bear kids.
Our take:
As an employer: Encourage your male employees to take paternal leaves. This will not only help build his trust and commitment towards you, but will build a positive review of your organization for initiating this step.
As a family member: Discuss the importance of paternal care with the male members. Tell them how important it is for an infant to get daddy’s practicality along with mommy’s soft compassion.
As a wife: Tell your beloved husband this is just another way for him to display his love for you.
It is time we must tailor our conversation by shifting the word ‘motherhood’ to ‘parenthood’.
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