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Mommies’ Chitchat at Himalaya Baby Care Workshop

  • IWB Post
  •  February 10, 2015

Yesterday we spoke about the interactive session ‘My Baby and Me’ organized by the Himalaya Baby Care for Jaipur new mothers. It talked all about the baby care. Today we will share with you our small chats with women present there. Check if you can relate to their mother-toddler stories.


Puja Maheshwari: Housewife and the mother of a 7 yr old girl and 2 months old baby boy.

Manju Saini: Housewife and the mother of 8 yr old girl and 3 months 15 days old baby boy.

Rupa Maheshwari: Housewife and the mother of 12 yrs old boy and 6 yrs old girl.

Kamlesh: Housewife and the mother a 2 months old baby boy.

How helpful was the Himalaya “My Baby & Me’ workshop?

Dr. C.P. Shukla (Manager Pharmaceutical Div. of the Himalaya Drug Co.)

Dr. C.P. Shukla (Manager Pharmaceutical Div. of the Himalaya Drug Co.)

Manju: It was something new in our city. I liked the part where the doctor told about the detailed procedure of massage strokes.

Any special tip you are going to try?

Puja: I agree with Manju, the massage strokes session was enlightening. I never knew about importance of particular directions. 

About Himalaya baby care products.


Kamlesh – Because Himalaya makes products that are natural, I prefer using them. Not only for baby, even I use their products like face wash and shampoo.

products-Gentle Baby Shampoo

Manju – Herbal things are best, and I make sure my baby’s skin gets the best of nature. It has always been Himalaya for me.

Personal baby care regime.

Kamlesh – I think every mother does the same things which include tips learned from granny and suggestions by doctor.

Rupa – It is something that emerges naturally from within you when you become a mother.

It was a great experience to meet Mommies

JWB’s Priyanka in conversation

 Any special tip from your granny for baby care.

Rupa – So when my kids catch cold, I give them Jai-fal which is very effective.

Manju – While bathing the kids, there are few special strokes that the baby’s body has to be given. My mother taught me that.

About baby sleep – should the baby sleep with mother or on a separate bed?

Puja – Definitely with the mother. This must be done till the baby turns about 6 yrs old. The small baby can get scared alone or can feel any discomfort which we may not know.

Baby games.

Kamlesh – I try to make my baby laugh loud. I do this by imitating his faces. I love molding my lips the way he does.

Manju – Babies get bored very soon with the toys so I have to keep changing his collection of toys every now and then. Small kids love seeing different things going around them.

It was a great experience to meet Mommies

It was a great experience to meet Mommies

Baby blues?

In chorus – YES.

Manju – During my second pregnancy, I was a little stressed thinking how am I going to do all that again.

Kamlesh – I was a little scared but then every mother gets through it. Isn’t it?

Rupa – I think the support of family and most importantly, husband’s support matters.

Family support.

Rupa – But then you cannot bother them all the time with your own baby problems since they have to look after other things too like office or business.

Motherhood illusions.

Puja – There are women who think a baby can make the sour relations with husband better. Wrong.

Rupa – But yes as baby comes into the family, a feeling of responsibility comes in both the parents, and the relation becomes stronger.

Motherhood’s happy moments.

Manju – Definitely when the doctor tells you about your pregnancy.

Talks, Talks...

Talks, Talks…

Plans for self.

Kamlesh – Our life is with our children now. But of course, as they become a little independent, I will get time for myself.

Rupa – But then as a mother even if you are free, you tend to think about your child. Even if my kids are little grownups, I worry about them 24×7, leaving less time for myself.

Manju – With a small baby, the mother is never free. Even if you have to go to the market, you have to carry the child. I’m waiting for the time when I’ll go out freely and shop. (laughs)

Puja – I am also waiting for the time when my small baby can be left at home with grandparents, and I can move out without having to carry him.


By the way, you too can share stories about your Me-time in our ‘Baby&Me’ contest and win Himalaya baby care products here.

Contact us for your story


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