Once, my mother and I were having a cold war of sorts, where we were giving each other the silent treatment. The next day I was to leave for a friend’s wedding in Delhi and I had this runny nose and a choked voice. My mother dropped me at the airport and still, she hadn’t said a word but as soon as I sat in my seat and opened my purse, there sat a folded piece of paper. It said: “I have kept medicines for you in the front pocket, drink lots of water, eat healthy, no ice-cream and sleep well.” It was a note from my mom.
Isn’t that how moms are? Forces to be reckoned with if you dare to get on their wrong side but still maintaining a heart of gold that cares for their child and seeks to protect them.
Celebrating this amazing bond, Indian Women Blog has collaborated with the unique online gift store, BIGSMALL.in for our campaign So Mamma Says. Under this campaign, mommies with daughters living in different states, have written loving notes, filled with advice and old memories, for their daughters. The catch is that these notes will be interchanged between the girls, because… maa to maa hoti hai, and she is always right!
Ready to feel mushy and all teary-eyed? Here you go!