Saturday, March 15 2025, 11:59:55
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Marital status grows the pay gap in India at 40%

  • IWB Post
  •  April 15, 2015

The average gender pay gap in India is approximately 54% for years 2006 to 2011, according to the report. As the world celebrated the Equal Pay Day yesterday, we have a valid reason to talk this gender issue.



However, here the feast turns into greaving over the current conditions our women had to survive in.

Elderly women appear to be the most vulnerable strata as per distribution of finances.

It is also observed that as the education level increases, the gender pay gap increases in most of the cases. The gender pay gap is lowest for Plus 2 or equivalent education level at 11.54% and is highest for Post Doctoral Education level at an alarming 180%.



Data reveals that men and women with same work experience are not paid equally. Gender pay gap is low at junior level and high at senior levels.



According to the Monster Salary Index India IT Sector Report 2014, only 30% of the total IT sector workforce in India are women and the fairer sex also faces a huge gender pay gap of 29%.

Pay gap is highest for activities of extraterritorial organizations at 87.63%. It is also considerably high for arts, entertainment and recreation industry and industry category of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning suppliers at more than 50%. Whereas, it is negative for activities of households as employers at merely (-0.42)% and for Wholesale and retail trade industry it is less than 10%.

The gender wages gap varies across Indian States. The gender wage gap is highest in the state of Assam and Rajasthan at 64% and 59% respectively. Yes, it was our own Rajasthan in the blacklist. The gap is relatively low in the southern part of India. The gender wage gap is lowest for New Delhi at 20%.

The statistics given above clearly indicates the taxing situation for a woman. More she is educated and experienced, less reward she should expect. Time to act, ladies!


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