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Mansi Khandelwal

IWB Blogger

Kudos To This Woman Who Fed Her Child While Running A Marathon!

  • IWB Post
  •  September 19, 2016


Now that’s what we call multitasking! This mom fed her child while running a marathon.

Anna Young from Utah who makes us believe that motherhood doesn’t have to stop you from doing things or going places, sets maternity standards high by pumping breast milk mid-half marathon. Not only setting nurturing goals, but this badass mom ran the 13.1 miles marathon five months postpartum.

In a facebook post, Anna Young wrote,

Yesterday I ran a half marathon at five months postpartum,” Young wrote in the caption. “I had to leave at 4:30 a.m. and the race started at 6:45 a.m. I nursed my daughter before I left my house, pumped after running the first 8 miles and nursed her after I made it past the finish line.”

New mom, Anna Young who is an avid runner, signed up for the marathon before she discovered she was pregnant. Anna who didn’t want her life to change after the birth of her child practiced running while pushing her daughter in a stroller. She wanted to share something she is passionate about with her daughter, quite literally!

Anna who was clicked unknowingly later shared her picture as a tribute to the supportive breastfeeding communities who helped her through her early nursing stage.

Though initially being a little skeptical about feeding her daughter while running, she now hopes it helps other mothers to feel comfortable while nurturing their children in public.

Setting multitasking goals this mom puts a strong message for mothers to not stop living after they deliver babies!

Kudos to you, woman!

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