It was Kiran Bedi who graced the FICCI FLO Jaipur Chapter’s event today talking about ‘Women-agents of Change.’ The ex-IPS officer and the 1 Indian woman in police to reach this high in her career, Ms. Kiran has proved to be a woman of steel.
Kiran began with saying, “Oh God, so many young women! Jaipur is quite young! You all should tell me what changes have you brought; the young blood is always revolutionary.”
She continued, “Growing up, the thought terrified me that one day someone will control me, considering our male-dominated Indian society. Hence, I decided to be the in-charge. I lived my determination and brought many positive changes in me. This is the key to my empowerment.”
A change within can bring a change outside – said, Mahatma Gandhi. So, how can we propel women to walk on this path provided they accept their circumstances and rarely question their destiny? She answered, “Take control of your thoughts and actions. Become the in-charge, like I said. Why do you think that being a mother, you cannot work? Control your little thoughts and change them. In this way, you will never complain about your in-law family not letting you work. Indian women are migrants who switch to a new family and even cities after they are get married. But, don’t let this become your weakness. You have a diverse nature unlike men; use it to the fullest. Take charge!”
Taking a sip from her water glass, she continued, “Both men and women have different qualities. Fortunately, women can be taught the other gender’s qualities. And once learned, they are good to go.
She continued, “Women have 3-H qualities – Healing, Harmony, and Humanity. They are naturally soft-hearted and healing, they are the agents of harmony, and they give birth to humanity (a new life). On the other hand, men have 3 Ms – Money, Muscles, and Management. A man inherits the property from the father, is already strong without any prior physical training and has better management skills at work since he is practical. When the 3Hs get with 3 Ms, women can be turned into top CEOs of MNCs and Professionals and Business Tycoons. I dislike the fact that people name their companies as ‘Agarwal & Sons.’ Why not ‘Agarwal & Daughters’?”
Many of you might be thinking that becoming the ‘agent of change’ can conflict with our traditions, especially when you are living in a place like Rajasthan. Kiran has its answer, too. She said, “It is a woman’s choice ultimately. If there is pressure from family, it is she who will decide whether to succumb or not. She can handle things in the most balanced and polite manner. I repeat, become in-charge of your life, first.”
Meanwhile, a concerned mother from the audience raised her hand and questioned, “I want to know how, as a mother, can I ensure the safety of my two small girls? I want to change the current scenario where women are harassed almost every day. I can keep my kids well-informed and safe inside the home, but I cannot be with them all the time when they are outside home. A few days back, a five-year-old was raped in a Delhi school. I am terrified. How can I assure my kids’ safety?”
At that, Ms. Kiran said, “Yes, you can educate your girls about what is the bad touch and who to trust. But to bring about a dynamic change, you can contribute in many other ways like speaking during the parent-teacher meetings, having an open, friendly dialogue with your children and also by reaching out to other schools for spreading awareness among small kids. This will ensure the growth of the future generation.”
After listening to her, one thing is clear. Sitting idly, accepting the situation and complaining about it won’t take us any far. Check out Kiran Bedi’s biography “I dare” where she is urging you to dare take roads you’ve ignored so far.