Kimberly Henderson Is The Most Beautiful Mommy In the World, Just Like You!
- IWB Post
- June 26, 2015

Mommy of 4 kids and musician Kimberly Henderson, bravely, posted her photo of her sagging stomach with stretch marks to show her fans it is ‘normal’ to have a body like this after pregnancy.
Since she is a role model of millions, the reviews were supporting. Her action has proved yet another successful step forward towards redefining beauty in our society at large.
With the picture, she posted this message that touched everyone’s heart:
“Everyone always compliments me on how I have such a “perfect” body after 4 kids. I decided to upload this pic and leave my belly “unedited” “unphotoshopped” because I used to struggle with accepting my body after kids. I used to have a six pack before my babies.. And now even though I work out I know it’s not going to make my loose skin tight.. Or my stretch marks disappear ever lol and I’m ok with that because every day I get to wake up to 4 beautiful smiling faces and I’m reminded that they are worth this flabby belly and they are worth these stretch marks. I still wear a bikini because being a mother makes me feel beautiful.. Not having a flat tummy. It took a long time to get there.. Because I struggled so much with my body. I struggled so much because I was young and all these girls my age had perfect bodies and I was in my one piece bathing suit trying to hide all my flaws. And I’m not trying to say I have it worse than anyone else or bad or anything like that just reminding you guys.. That your body is beautiful… BECAUSE we ARE moms and we ARE superheroes and we freakin ROCK and in my opinion that is sexier than any 6 pack!”
One of the fans wrote: “I have almost the same mommy belly lol. I’ve had four babies. My twins really did a number on my tummy but they was so worth it!! I only weigh 105 now but the stretch marks and loose skin will remain and I’m ok with that bc I earned them and my belly was my kiddos first home.”
After receiving a huge response, she even wrote a ‘Thank you’ message under the picture: “Wow!! It took me HOURS to finally read all the comments and I cannot believe how inspirational this post is!! So many women posting pictures of their mom body…which is what society calls the “imperfect body”.. Well I just want to say that your body is PERFECT and you all are beautiful and sexy!! All I was saying that it IS sexy to be confident in your skin. Be proud of the body you carried your beautiful babies in! Never be ashamed and to me that is sexier than anything!”
Proud of you, Kimberly.
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