
JWB’s Chat With Founder of ‘Jaipur Moms’ Club, Rachna Kaushik

By Team IWB

July 07, 2015

Book your dates! July 10 is almost here and we can’t wait to welcome each one of you to the event Work From Home – Job Opportunities For Women.

SHEROES founder, Sairee Chahal, is all set to come down to Jaipur and guide you on how to begin work from home. An upcoming club – Jaipur Moms, in association with SHEROES, is inviting Sairee to interact with Jaipur women who are interested in starting their career from home.

Previously, we spoke to Sairee about the mission of this prominent event. Today, let’s listen from the founder of Jaipur Mom’s – Ms. Rachna Kaushik.

About ‘Jaipur Moms’ and me:

I am a mother of 2 beautiful daughters and the founder of ‘Jaipur Moms’. Apart from this, I am an entrepreneur who deals with kids’ personalized gifts.

‘Jaipur Moms’ is just 3 months old but has a fierce approach. I want to empower mothers in particular who cannot find Me-time. Apart from this, we also focus on encouraging one another so that more women opt for financial independence in their life.

Inspiration behind ‘Jaipur Moms’:

Once, me and my friends were planning to go to an exhibition, but couldn’t because none of us could find time amidst babysitting our small children and household chores. Few days later I formed ‘Jaipur Moms’ on Facebook where I decided to plan events that are both knowledgeable and entertaining for the mothers. I take suggestions of  women and then take the plan forward on everyone’s approval.

Activities that are involved in ‘Jaipur Moms’ FB page apart from events:

Every week, one woman shares her business idea or ongoing business story with other members on the FB page of ‘Jaipur Moms’. We promote our business there, and give tips to others on how they can start their own work.

Also, women in the group share their hobbies so that anyone who is interested in learning, can gain awareness. These days, a woman who is excellent with craft has been teaching us to make creative items. We’re enjoying it!

Who can be a part of ‘Jaipur Moms’:

Till now I have got around 1100 women as a part of it. However, only 15 of them are registered members. I invite more members who want to explore the life beyond 4 walls of the kitchen.

‘Jaipur Moms’ has plans to conduct activities for the members like family picnics, play-dates, etc. Some activities will welcome non-members as well.

My story:

Just like thousands of mommies out there, my schedule is a bit tight too. When my daughters are gone to school, I put all the time into my business. This is how I manage and balance.

Women are multitasking and I believe, once they determine to work, they can have it all.

About the campaign ‘Work from home’ with SHEROES:

Most women think that working from home only means feeding computer data for a company in some other country. I want to tell them that they can work online while sitting at home for corporates, they can write, they can design, and do many other things!

With this event, I want to tell women that having a career is much better than sitting idly at home.

Dear Jaipur women, if you haven’t yet booked your seat for the event ‘Work From Home – Job Opportunities For Women’, click here.