She would sit on the ground and be surrounded by wagging tails, letting them lick her face. She’d stare at the trees around her and watch the squirrels playing on their branches. Snakes didn’t scare her at all. Animals shared a special connection with her, and their love was the purest she had ever seen.
Timmie Kumar became a trustee for Help In Suffering, Jaipur much later in her life. She has been whole-heartedly working with the foundation for over sixteen years. I can, hands down, say that Timmie Kumar has a heart of Gold.
Her belief system & God
Whenever I’m sad or am going through some trouble, I don’t pray to God. I pray to animals. I feel like I have a spiritual connection with them, and they understand every bit of our emotions. If something’s not right, I talk to them, share my problems with them, and they just listen.
Her pets
Rampyari sits in the office all the time, with me. There are Rockstar, Ram & Shyam (also known as Hollywood & Bollywood), and Dora.
I met Rampyari, and she was pretty coo’. She sits in Timmie’s office and guards it. Timmie joked that since Rampyari belongs to her, the staff keeps feeding her which is why she’d put on weight.
Humanity & Nature
If you call yourself a vegetarian, nature & animal lover, and your plants are dying in your pots, I think it’s time to re-evaluate your definition of being a nature lover.
If you’re a non-vegetarian, I don’t ask you to give up on it entirely, but please, reduce the intake. If you have it daily, just reduce it to, maybe, twice a week?
80% of the agricultural land is used to rear and slaughter farm animals and which is why, by 2048, there will be no more clean air to breathe.
We pray to cows and call them our mother, but you won’t believe the kind of cruelty they have to face on a daily basis. Did you know that India is the largest exporter of beef in the world? Did you know that once the cows can’t walk, and are good for nothing, they are slaughtered? What a great business, right?
So, what’s the solution?
The solution is to sensitize children from a very young age, and raising them to be compassionate human beings. If children are sensitive towards issues from a very young age, they will grow up to become better people.
I recently visited Kashmir, the ‘heaven’ on Earth, and also realized the reason it was the heaven. They TEACH their kids not to pluck flowers. They teach them how to maintain the beauty of the place where they live. And, that’s one thing we all must learn from them.
Elephant Misuse
I try to do as much as I can to serve animals. One time, I had visited a village after I learnt that an Elephant was dying there. When our team got there, the Elephant could barely move; he was going to die, and he couldn’t even turn.
The only way out was to give him a painless death, but the villagers didn’t even want to come near him.
We are fighting against Elephant rides and their misuse in circuses, the way they are treated is crueler than you could ever imagine.
Spending her free time
I go for Safaris with my friends; they are mostly all childhood friends. Fortunately, they are all interested in doing adventurous stuff. They’re all associated in diverse fields, and it’s truly a blessing to work with them.
Her dream
Is to have a pet-friendly floor in Clarks Amer. She talked about her family’s hotel.
Kind of cool, right? I have a confession. She’s one of the coolest people I’ve interviewed. We had some juice, after that, and Sanchit forgot to drink his delicious cold coffee while clicking pictures.
Sanchit Sethi Photographer