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Harnaam Kaur: A Bride that wore Beard

  • IWB Post
  •  July 2, 2015


How do you define a bride? Frills, laces, beautiful skin, and smile…

With the latest photo shoot of British photographer Louisa Coulthurst, this image has been altered. Now we have added to this lace-full look BEARD as well. Yes, you read it right.


Harnaam Kaur, a Sikh woman, has been suffering from PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) since she was 11. This medical condition is characterized with intense hair growth on face and around the body.Harnaam-Kaur-bridal-shoot-lady-beard-29-640x959

Confident Harnaam is making waves across social media. The photo shoot shows her in a bridal gown, wearing beautiful make-up, stunning tiara and her beard decorated with flowers. The pictures were first posted on her Instagram page with an unseen yet powerful message – No one deserves to feel shame over the way they look.Harnaam-Kaur-bridal-shoot-lady-beard-31-640x959

The beautiful Harnaam personifies that “beauty lies in the eyes of beholder” by showing her body spots, body hair, and stretch marks.


Here a question may arise: why can’t she just shave her beard and look like every other ‘normal’ woman? Harnaam is Sikh – a religion that prohibits people from cutting or shaving the body hair.

Harnaam Kaur reminds that we are all imperfectly perfect, and that there is no a standard definition of beauty. Everyone is beautiful!

Kudos to Harnaam for breaking the stereotypes about beauty! Do you support?

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