Thursday, March 13 2025, 02:39:09
- IWB Post
- January 12, 2014

You are mistaken if you think the blog is only for intellects talking only about success and giving ‘valuable’ guidance. We had our share of laugh while covering interviews. Take a look below and tell us if we are any geeks!
- We were all smiling & excited while meeting Mrs. Nilam Arya with the Pie until a crime happened at the sight. We encountered a Pie-thief – a Cat! She was well aware of the fact that we are meeting Mrs. Nilam for the first time and hence between all those “Hello, How are you. This is Ms….This is Mr.…..” the Criminal-Cat came from behind without making any noise, took the Pie-box in jaws and just walked away. May be it couldn’t resist the effervescent smell of the hot baked pie…but whatever…we ran after it. After a minute of jumping into the garden bushes, we managed to grab the box; of course the ribbon over it was missing with few paws & teeth bites on the box. But, all’s well that ends well.
- We met Mrs.P. N Kavoori at the SMS School and were highly obliged when the Director of the school gave us her room for the shoot & interview. In best of our etiquettes, little did we know we were about to get embarrassed. While Mrs. Kavoori’s fingers were busy giving poses for our camera against the blast umbrella of the cauliflower, a Caterpillar popped out and started its ramp walk! With all eyes on it, few screamed and few started giving suggestions on how to remove it from stealing the limelight. But before we could do anything, it disappeared! We decided to act smart and one of us took a paper and acted as if he has caught the green poser and went out to throw it. The truth was, it was hiding somewhere in the Director’s important files on the table. Scared, we completed our rest of the photo shoot and came back with sweating faces. Later in the evening, a phone call informed us how a Caterpillar nearly gave heart-attack to the Director. We never discussed it again. Guilty.
- The days our team went for interviews, we would worth a million. We used to carry those unique gemstone & diamond Jewelries from Nayaab Jewels used in ‘Finger in the Pie’ photo-shoots. When you carry something like this, you need your antennas right up and alert. Well, ours failed. After completing one of the shoots, we came out, bid good-byes, sat in the car, drove few miles only to find out a packet of jewelry was missing! AAaaaaa! We ran breathless, back to the venue. Those were the toughest 5 minutes of our lives. Thank you heaven…else those eyes of Mr. Upendra Bothra. No offense.
- Here is a tip: If you are going to cover an interview, keep in mind to take your pen and diary along. And jot down what questions you have in mind. And write notes of what the interviewee speaks about. And take care of this important diary; don’t forget the dairy on the CAR ROOF. And even if you do so, don’t just keep driving for nearly 10 kms and forgetting about it. Luckily, we found ours after 15 minutes of driving on Jaipur Roads.
- Mrs. Nidhie Data has a big heart because she didn’t throw us out of her home when we broke her expensive crockery. And this all happened in the beginning of the interview. She had to bear us for nearly 40 minutes more….but we know now that she fell in love with us and that mischief was forgiven!
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