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Femina Lifestyle Classroom: Economics

  • IWB Post
  •  September 6, 2014


Welcome to the second class of Economics from our Teacher’s Day campaign. With Femina Lifestyle all-women brand and the Palace School, we organized a fun classroom for 15 female teachers. These classes were taken by 5 female students.

As much as it sounds interesting, the concept behind it is rather fascinating. The 5 young girls were supposed to give these 15 students the life lessons based on their respective subject. The subjects undertaken were – Anatomy, Economics, History, Literature and Time Management.

Each class had a mission to make teachers learn from the younger generation of girls – the future women of Jaipur – and help them bring back the youthful challenging spirit and confidence found in a young girl of this generation.


Chorus – Good morning, m’am.

Bhavya m’am (our little teacher) – Hello, class. I am your new Economics teacher, and mind it, I am very strict. …So, tell me what is the basic rule of Economics?

Student 1 – Booo. I don’t like Economics.


Bhavya – If you don’t like it, stand at the corner. Rest all of you, answer me.

Student 2 – Supply should be equal to demand!


Bhavya – Correct. But today, we will not talk about the market. Rather, let’s talk about your life. With growing age, women stop demanding from their lives. This happens when we start limiting ourselves and think we are not worthy of few things.


Every student sitting in the class suddenly went on a silent mode. Maybe, this topic quickly touched their hearts.

Bhavya – Now I will give you a small activity to perform. We women love going to shopping malls. Let us visit the shopping mall of life today, carrying this Femina Lifestyle shopping bags.

Student 3 – Wow, this sounds interesting. Given a chance, I am going to shop non-stop.


Bhavya – Your shopping bag has no size so that you can fill it with unlimited number of things or dreams. So go on, my students, demand more and more – and fill it full!

The students were given 5 minutes to think and write what they want to demand from their lives. They wrote all their demands on the shopping bag.


Bhavya – Who wants to share with the class her demand list from life?

Neha stood up and started sharing – ‘I demand freedom for me and othes. Also, lots of money!


Pragya – Harley Davidson. Thunderbird. And a companion to sit by me.

Bhavya – Wonderful, my students. I am glad to see all of you demanding from life. Keep it up. But my question is – what was stopping you till now from achieving all this?

Student 3 – Time.

Student 4 – Money.

Student 5 – Responsibilities.

Student 6 – Mental peace.

Bhavya – Have you noticed one thing. All the factors you mentioned are from the outer world and do not exist in you. What exists in you is determination, wisdom and compassion. Outer factors can never stop or make us run. It is our inner self that holds us back. Stop thinking that you are not worthy of that expensive dress, handsome salary and beautiful skin. Believe and make it happen!

Student 6 – I am not afraid of making any demand!

Student 7 – I’ve realized my worthiness.

Bhavya – Wonderful. I am so proud of you. The Economics class teaches us that how the young generation is so swift in making demands. The younger lot doesn’t think about constraints like money or other barriers. They just speak out what they want. Eventually, in some way they get it. Because they believe in this. So why, as we grow old, we stop announcing our demands?

Chorus – Thank you man. It was a great learning class.


Being a mother, a wife and a teacher is not an easy task. But while handling all these responsibilities, don’t forget the woman in you. You can fulfill the demand of your kids in no time, when they want to eat something special or want to get a new mobile phone. But when it comes to you, how many times do you really stand up and cook something of your choice? Think about it.

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