Feeding Cow’s Milk To Baby Younger Than 12 Months May Trigger Allergies: Experts
- IWB Post
- September 11, 2017

A newborn child, from the moment they take their first breath, need a steady source of nutrition which they find in the form of breast milk. Unfortunately, some are unable to due to multiple reasons and they are provided with cow’s milk as an alternative, but sometimes this may become harmful, especially if the child is below one year.
Cow’s milk which is rich in nutrients like protein becomes too much for the developing digestive, respiratory and immune system of the baby. They run the risk of developing allergies and also the consumption of the low concentration of iron from it may cause anaemia. Doctors say babies may not be able to tolerate the protein in the milk.
“Though cow’s milk is associated with our culture for ages, it should not be given to toddlers below one year… It may put a strain on the infant’s immature kidney and is also difficult to digest,” said Dr Nandan Joshi, head of nutrition and medical affairs at Danone India.
Due to lack of awareness in India, this is a matter of concern. In a study conducted in a hospital in India, it was found that 3 out of 10 children with chronic diarrhoea were found to be suffering from cow’s milk allergy.
“Allergic diseases are on the rise worldwide. The incidents are more in developed countries though it is on the rise in India as well. Milk allergy is the most common allergy in children,”“Around 3% of children can’t tolerate milk protein in animal milk. Milk allergic infants, who do not get breast milk, need an alternate form of nutrition to maintain their health,” said Dr Lalit Bharadia, consultant paediatric gastroenterologist at Jaipur Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital.
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