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Do You Think The Body Of This Mum-model Is Unrealistic?

  • IWB Post
  •  August 3, 2015

Model Ymre Stiekema is the latest topic of discussion on the internet. Her pictures of running/jogging with her small daughter in a baby stroller have ignited a debate mixed of admiration, amusement and disgust. Ymre is shown wearing bikini and other tight fitted clothes, revealing her envious figure while pushing her daughter in a pram.

These pictures are a part of ‘Bugaboo’ ads – a new stroller range designed for mothers who want to run with their child. See below the reactions of few women who do not agree with the campaign:

“Yeah we look like this when we run with the prams, don’t we?!”            

“Bugaboo, we need to talk, and by ‘we’ I mean me and whoever decided this is a good way to reach your target demographic of normal, average, everyday mums who might have some soft spots on their bodies left over from housing a foetus for 10 months.”

“So thaaaat’s what I have been doing wrong….. I need to jog with my baby in a Bugaboo to get my beach body back.”

“Ok, so I’m not a hater and I’m fit and active, but this is misleading! Ymre’s “baby” is turning 3 years old in December! So, if you want to defend yourselves stating that you are using a model mum, that is cool. But to state that she has a baby too is a lie! This model has had nearly 3 years to get back into shape, a 3 year old kid doesnt need a pram!!!”

“Totally ridiculous photo. At least have something realistic. Even the fittest Mums I knew when my kids were bubs weren’t half as fit, and were doubly clothed. Give Mums a break!!”

Somewhere the ad-pictures are unrealistic, don’t you agree? Not every (well, majority) of mommies look like this. Ymre’s unrealistic body figure after delivering a baby is unachievable for most of them. Plus, not everyone manages to look this gorgeous when you have a small toddler to handle whole day.

On the other hand of this debate, we need to understand that staying fit fetches her money and she is compelled to devote half her time in achieving a figure like this. In defend Ymre says she works out daily. It’s her job, afterall! There are also comments in support of her:

“Really ladies? Are you that judgemental or jealous that you have to question what she is running in? Women should support each other not tear each other down because you feel inadequate. I would never get away with wearing that while I run, but great for her!”


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