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Disney Princess And Pixie Haircut! How About That?

  • IWB Post
  •  July 16, 2015

I can read your mind. Want me to prove that? Easy!

Imagine a really beautiful woman. When you’re done, I’ll tell you what she looks like. Cool?

Is it a tall girl with flawless skin and long beautiful hair? Ain’t I right?

6Well, I think it’s time to put an end to these stereotypes. Femininity and beauty aren’t restricted to long hair and slender waist anymore. The Nameless Doll’s ultra-awesome post on her Tumblr page, reduces this image of perfection to just an illusion.1

As a kid, I’m sure that each one of you wanted to grow up to be as gorgeous as the Disney princesses. To twirl around in Belle’s gorgeous golden gown, wearing Cinderella’s glass shoes, with your hair tied up in a beautiful long braid like Rapunzel, is probably still every pre-teen’s dream.

What if Rapunzel makes a trip to a sassy salon in town, and returns to the tower with a Pixie Cut? Can you imagine that?2

The Nameless Doll should be awarded with the title of ‘Miss Creative-Pants’ for giving us a picture. And nope, this picture doesn’t look bad. I think it makes her look trendier!

Not just Rapunzel, The Nameless Doll has given a makeover to almost every Disney princess. All of them look stunning in their short hairdos.3

Whenever authors introduce a female protagonist in their novel, they make it a point to tell their readers about how pretty she is. They seldom miss dedicating at least two sentences to their hair. Why is everyone so obsessed with it? But still we cry our hearts out if the hairdressers make it a centimeter shorter than the length we asked them to trim. What is the fuss about?4

For at least once in your life, you must have come across a television show in which you identified “a good, ideal woman” because she was clad in a saree and her long hairwhich were left loose to flow with the wind.

Well, I think, the definition of a “sundar, susheelkanya” isn’t restricted to those long wavy locks. You can sport short hair, and still be a caring mother. You can adorn a pixie cut and still be a loving wife.5

What matters is your comfort. If you’re comfortable in your own skin, you will carry yourself with more confidence.7

So loosen up, ignore what they say, and sprinkle your pixie dust! *winks*

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