Getting flawless skin is like an impossible feat to achieve these days with the ever-increasing pollution, constant stress of a hectic lifestyle, and toxic chemicals in the products we use. So blackheads are our constant partners and boy are they stubborn! But not to worry, as celebrity dermatologist Dr. Rashmi Shetty has some tips on how to battle these pesky spots.
Well, your first question would be if these spots can be removed at home or not and voila! Here is the answer.
“Ideally, you should go to a professional skin therapist’s clinic to get blackheads or any form of acne removed. Even your neighborhood salon might not using the right hygiene practices, creams, techniques to soften and open the skin correctly for blackhead removal, which could lead to damage. However, if you’re attempting to do this at home, make sure your tools are sterilised and you’re not too harsh on your skin,” said Dr. Shetty and gave us a four-step do-it-yourself approach at removing blackheads at home.
Blackhead removal step 1: Use a milky, creamy face wash and massage it into the skin. Rinse. The consistency of the formula is key to getting rid of the blackheads, so make sure it’s not too watery or thick.
Blackhead removal step 2: Use either warm steam or a warm towel and apply it to the skin for two minutes, which will soften the skin and enlarge the pores to help dislodge the blackheads easily. Make sure it’s not too hot, or it will dry out your skin.
Blackhead removal step 3: Buy a blackhead extractor and disinfect it with rubbing alcohol, boiling water or a wash with hot, soapy water. Gently apply pressure to the skin and ease out the blackheads. Dr. Shetty warns not to pull on the skin of the nose. Gentle pressure is key to removing blackheads without damaging your skin.
Blackhead removal step 4: Rinse face with cold water or use an at-home facial steamer on a cold setting to minimize the pores back up and avoid further blackheads.
Noted that down, did you? Okay, so before we move on to the home remedies that prevent blackheads from appearing, Shetty had another advice to share. “Stay clear from nose strips. The glue is bad for the skin and can cause allergies. They can also cause the open pores to stay open, resulting in more blackheads.”
And now, let’s head to the home remedies she shared:
Lemon and yogurt massage
Make a paste of lemon or lime mixed with yogurt and massage it into the skin for 5-10 minutes. Both ingredients are mildly acidic and help to clear the debris that makeup blackheads. Rinse off.
Firming masks
Use firming masks that contain ingredients like Fuller’s earth or sandalwood paste to reduce your pore size, and in turn blackheads. Try the Forest Essentials Facial Ubtan Multani Mitti.
Pore tightening masks
Regularly using these masks will keep your pores minimized and stop blackheads from forming. Try the Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask.
Retin A creams
Retin A speeds up cell renewal, thus banishing blackheads. See a dermatologist for a professional diagnosis and prescription before incorporating this ingredient into your routine.
Avoid dust
Avoid dusty and windy areas. If you can’t and will be out for extended periods of time, keep your face covered. Dust can clog your pores and form blackheads.
Use the correct face wash
Many people use the wrong cleansers to treat their skin concerns. Look for a milky formula that purifies and tightens the pores without being too drying—it’s the best formula to avoid blackheads.
H/T: Vogue