Beauty & Fitness

Dealing With A ‘Sugar Face’ Post Diwali? Here Is Your Unsweetened Solution.

By Apeksha Bagchi

October 23, 2017


Sugar face! While this term may trigger your inner ‘Aww cute!’ it is sugar-coated with many problems. Visible signs of early aging, painful pustular pimples all over the face, thinning of the skin, a grey/pasty white hue to skin, thinner eyebrows. And to that add the extra strain of sweets this Diwali that do nothing to help your collagen level.

Ever heard of prevention is better than cure? Well, time is to apply on your skin the age-old saying because it is true, dear! So, while your sugary fingers have already crammed your mouth with staggering amounts of sweets, it’s time to cut down on the extra carbohydrates. No gulab jamuns for you anymore! *runs away with the plate*

No long faces, you are allowed your privilege of having a cheat day now and then but do break the habit of making every day your cheat day. And exercise all this self-control for six-weeks. Yep, our system forms a particular habit in six weeks, after which you can successfully slide your way past that delicious looking chocolate cake without the urge to jump on it. And while you’re on it, doing away with your nightly alcohol consumption will only make your skin happier ‘cause what you consider ‘the drops from heaven’ is actually worsening your problem.

Physical exercise helps keep you and your skin young, and it has been shown that those who exercise regularly have younger and better collagen.

Exercise for at least 45-60 minutes, four to six days a week to get the best benefits. Make sure you are also lifting some weights, because muscle mass has been shown to preferentially use up the sugar in your blood, taking it away from your cells! Try to arrange for two to three weightlifting sessions a week.

Add to your diet a lot of antioxidants to counteract unhealthy cell damage. Forget to make a chocolate shake in the mornings, go for green tea now and see how it helps you in treating glycation.

The next option is to go for lasers and fillers. Your collagen is damaged with glycation. But lasers and fillers increase and regenerate existing collagen. Regular laser sessions or a few teaspoons of fillers can bring your skin back its glory days of sugar-free looks.

Mission skin-renewal it is!

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