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Jayati Godhawat

IWB Blogger

CAT Exam 2017: Career Counselor Vinay Modi Shares The Do’s & Don’ts A Couple Days Before The Exam

  • IWB Post
  •  November 24, 2017


A career counselor, trainer, and a motivational speaker, Vinay Modi changed the face of preparatory and coaching education in Jaipur.

Vinay started PT education center in Jaipur in 1998. It was a time when students didn’t know how to prepare themselves for renowned management schools and colleges.

The culture of preparing for CAT and other competitive exams wasn’t there in the city. We pioneered the idea that students from Jaipur too can crack the exams and make it to bigwigs like IIMs,” Vinay explained.

Out of 55000 students of PT education over 1000 students have made it to IIMs in 18 years of its inception in Jaipur. In fact, it was PT education Jaipur student who became the 2005 CAT topper.

The way we coach students is different and still unmatched. We not only train them academically but also groom their personality and their communication skills,” shared Vinay.

Master Trainer, Vinay, shared with us the thumb rules and useful tips of how a student can efficiently and effectively appear for the exam.

5 days before CAT

Battles are won in mind and, CAT is a game of mind.” 


You have already studied for the exam. Now is the time to look beyond CAT exam. Look at the bigger picture. Introspect and reason with yourself that what do you want to accomplish after this.


CAT exam will reflect three things about you: Character, Integrity, Values.

Character: CAT is not a race against time, so don’t fret. Calm yourself, meditate every day. The more composed you are, the better you’ll perform.

Integrity: It will test how well you have prepared for the exam.

Values: Remember that hard work is the key.


Drink lots of fluids and avoid heavy dinners or binge eating. And a good night’s sleep is a must for the healthy and fresh mind.


Do not use social media, especially, WhatsApp too much till the exam. When you are online and take advises from too many people, you can feel demotivated and discontented. So, avoid talking to people who can demotivate you and talk only with the selective ones who’ll lift up your spirits.


Give only 2 full-length mock tests. Don’t go into a frenzy of taking up too many full-length mock tests. Take only two of them. But, the score of these tests should not worry you. Give the tests to analyze and review your strengths and weaknesses.

How to warm-up for CAT

Take a few smaller tests of 30 mins especially for Data Integration section. It will get you in the momentum and practice.


Do mental calculations and revise Maths according to your strengths. Like, If you are good in Geometry, strengthen it further and don’t invest extra time in formula-based questions and vice-versa.


English has the most number of questions. Read newspapers, articles on the economy, etc. every day for 40 mins. Also, enhance your vocabulary by reading books and novels.


Adjust your body clock according to your exam time slot. Sit and study for at least those three hours of the day when you have your actual CAT exam.


De-stress! Here it is important that even the parents support their children and motivate them. They should assure them that they are proud of their kid and they understand the level of hard work he/she has put in for the exam.


Self-belief is the most important thing. First, believe in the mind that you can do it and you’ll do it.

One day before the exam


If your time slot of the exam is 9-12, then make sure to study in those hours. But do not study too much on the last day.


Arrange your identity cards and other necessary things. Recheck the time, your examination center, etc.


Play any indoor games or watch any videos. Take your mind off from studies and do something that makes you happy. Talking to friends is also a stress-buster. However, talk to someone who’ll motivate you.


Read newspapers or watch the news for half an hour.


Keep your dinner light and try to sleep early.

On the day of exam


Reach 30-40 minutes early at the examination centre.


You’ll come across different types of students there. Don’t get hassled and demotivated looking at others. Find a quiet corner and compose yourself.

During the exam


Read instructions twice. Read the questions completely and thoroughly. And, also read the options carefully.

You have three and a half minute on average for every question. Reading a question and instructions is an investment and not wastage of time.


Start from the section which you are confident about. Most students make the mistake of clinging to the questions that are difficult. It not only wastes their time but exhausts them mentally thereby reducing their confidence.

So, first attempt the questions which you know as it will boost your confidence.


Take a deep breath after every section and start from zero. Don’t fret about how much time has gone. Start every section like a fresh one and only think about the time you have to complete it.


Keep in mind the progressive negative marking: The more you gamble, the more you’ll be penalized. Remember, it’s not about picking up the question but leaving the questions you are not sure about.


Language section: Apply your analytical skills and common sense. Also, preferably, do quick questions first and then attempt the passages together.


Logical Reasoning: Choose the right set of questions according to your strengths.

After the exam


Go to your coaching institute and analyze your score pattern.


Take counseling to decide the future plan of action.


Believe that you have cleared CAT and start preparing for Group Discussions and Personal Interviews.


Start preparing for the exams of other institutes.


Keep improving your communication skills and enhance your personality.

P.S. If you wish to take career or personal counseling, you may contact Vinay Modi on +91-9828117755 or write on

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