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Breastfeeding Art for #InstaInspiration

  • IWB Post
  •  May 20, 2015


Do you remember the family-fun we had with campaign ‘I feed Breastfeeding’? This Instagram page took us on trip down the memory lane. We are inspired now to do a new campaign to spread the good cause of breastfeeding.

The images posted on Breastfeeding Art remind that nursing is a totally normal phenomenon that has been part of motherhood throughout history. Artist and mom of three Leigh Pennebaker launched Breastfeeding Art in February and in its 3+ months in the social media sphere, the account has gained over 7,500 Instagram followers.

“Collecting artistic representations of breastfeeding has long encouraged and inspired me personally as a breastfeeding mom, and sharing these images with the world is my way of standing up for mothers and babies and saying, ‘look, we will not be marginalized in 2015!'” Pennebaker told in the interview. “Women, and lactating women in particular, have been celebrated, honored, and deified in art throughout human history,” she added, noting the abundance of Nursing Madonna iconography and earlier depictions of lactating goddesses like Isis and Hathor.

“I wanted to create a space online that would highlight the historical/cultural context of breastfeeding and convey the extent to which modern-day mothers fit into a long, powerful lineage.”

Ultimately, Pennebaker hopes Breastfeeding Art will help moms feel “powerful, beautiful and supported” she said, adding, “I hope people who see it who don’t breastfeed will absorb some of the scope of the work and have a greater understanding of the normalcy of breastfeeding.”

Follow Pennebaker on Instagram and Facebook.

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Isn’t it great? Visit Breastfeeding Art now and tell us what artwork is your favorite?

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