Be Good to Yourself – Stand as a Sugar Pot

By admin

November 17, 2014


Managing type 2 diabetes means being good to yourself. Diabetes requires self-care to do it well. While many women are comfortable at taking care of others, it can be hard for them to take care of themselves.

Our campaign <I> #StandAsASugarPot will urge you to follow the discipline of the self-care. And together with Baidyanath Chyawanprash – Chyawan-Vit Sugarfree, we will challenge diabetes with a combating posture of a sugar pot and victorious spirit.

The concerns of a diabetic woman are way too different compared to a diabetic man. Read below few of them and how women can tackle them:

Physical exercise on a daily basis

This is one of the most important aspects to look after when you are diabetic. Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily is a must. Anything that gets your heart rate up and causes you to sweat a little is beneficial, even if it’s gardening, walking, or cleaning your house.

Healthy food

Eating food that will keep your blood sugar levels in check. That means choosing high-fiber foods, swapping out white starchy foods for whole grains, putting lots of vegetables on your plate, and steering clear of sweetened beverages, including fruit juice. Ask your doctor who else can help you, like a nutritionist or a diabetes specialist.

Protect your heart

Having diabetes makes heart disease more likely. It’s good to keep your doctor in loop always. Also, track your blood pressure. Keeping your cholesterol levels in check will also help protect your heart.

If you’re planning to get pregnant

A healthy pregnancy is certainly possible with diabetes, but it takes extra care. You need a plan to keep your blood sugar level under control, since during pregnancy the blood sugars are very different and check it more frequently — up to 8 times daily. And of course, a healthy diet and exercise are a must to control blood sugar. Once you have your baby, you can breastfeed if you choose to. Nursing helps your baby get to a healthy weight, and it also helps get your blood sugar and insulin levels under control.

Watch for infections

Certain types of infections can happen to anyone, men or women, but they tend to happen more frequently among women with type 2 diabetes. Higher than normal blood sugars may be a subtle sign of an infection. Urinary tract infections like Vaginal yeast infections can happen. The yeast called candida lives all over bodies but thrives in warm, moist areas. If your blood sugars are often too high, you can have an overgrowth of candida that leads to infections. Also check your armpits and beneath the breasts for this infection. Baidyanath Chyawanprash – Chyawan-Vit Sugarfree can help you fight such infections while strengthening your immune system.


Blood sugar fluctuations can cause some symptoms that are similar to those common in menopause, such as mood changes, fatigue, and hot flashes. Type 2 diabetes might also worsen sexual problems that can happen during menopause, like vaginal dryness and painful sex.

Know the Goal

What you’re aiming for: Your best health, not someone else’s. Diet and exercise alone will control diabetes for some people. For others, a combination of medication and healthy habits will keep them at their best.

Importantly, don’t let your spirits down and always stand in the combating posture of a Sugar pot to defeat diabetes.

Stay tuned for inspiring stories and Sugar Free motivation with Baidyanath Chyawanprash.