Women & World

Argentinian Politician, Victoria Donda Perez, Breastfeeds In Parliament & Becomes A Role Model

By admin

July 25, 2015

This mother is our current favorite. The Argentinian politician, Victoria Donda Perez, was captured in the parliament’s camera breastfeeding her infant daughter. It soon became news (obviously), after which people started sending her supporting tweets.

Victoria was attending a meeting in Argentine National Congress along with her eight-month-old daughter. After the photo has gone viral, she has been called a role-model for women everywhere by showing what being a full time mother really looks like. Plus, she is not afraid of breastfeeding her child in public! We like.

Just like Pope Francis once said – “You mothers give your children milk and even now, if they cry because they are hungry, breastfeed them, don’t worry.”

JWB too is coming up with a strong campaign soon to celebrate August 1 week – the Breastfeeding Week – wherein Jaipur based stores will support us by letting mothers breastfeed in their trial rooms. More will be revealed next week!

Have something to add to this story or want to share your story of breastfeeding your child in public? Let us know at contactjaipurwomenblog@gmail.com.