
Abha Thakkar: I started my earning after 15 yrs of my marriage

By Team IWB

April 16, 2015


Abha Thakkar is the Oriflame Director, Rajasthan, and one of its top women associates. Today she shares her story with Jaipur Women Blog’s readers.

JWB – Tell us about your start at Oriflame.

Abha – I started 10 yrs ago and 15 yrs after my marriage. I was always inclined towards beauty and makeup, and this brand attracted me. I joined Oriflame for its product discounts, but quickly developed interest to be a part of its team.

I formed my immediate team with my closest friends and relatives who didn’t say no to me. I consider that was very kind of them.

JWB – And how quickly do you think you have grown?

Abha – Very swiftly. I feel happy and proud of myself that because of this job I could take my family for a foreign trip recently! Moreover I think my job has made me more aware of beauty-concepts. Today I know how to apply makeup, the necessity of using moisturizers, etc which I previously overlooked.

JWB – Since you’re in the beauty industry, share your views on Indian women and how they perceive their beauty.

Abha – This perception is varied with education that helps in self-realization. I find that more educated women understand their inner and outer beauty more than the women who aren’t educated. But most of them are confident about their beauty.

JWB – What is the biggest beauty stigma of the Indian society?

Abha‘My daughter is fat and dark in complexion, how will she get married’. This and there is one more kind of beauty-fear that is slowly developing – Aging. And this panic is forcing them to use every method to stop it.

JWB – Under your nurturing, how do you think your daughter has grown up differently?

Abha – She has seen me transforming from a ‘clueless woman’ to an ambitious mother of two. I have grown up infront of my kids, and this fact makes them hard-working and determined.

JWB – Shalini, what inspires you the most about your mum?

Shalini – I don’t have to look outside to find a success story. I have seen her handling us, the home, and simultaneously making it big in her sudden choice of career. She has given me courage to dream impossible.

JWB – Do you have it all, in terms of the work-life balance?

Abha – There is a little guilt, but it feels better when you know you are able to inspire many at the end of the day.

JWB – What is always in your handbag?

Abha – Of course, money along with my visiting cards, bindi, tissue paper, cleanser, lipstick and perfume. I love Oriflame’s perfume!

JWB – Any message for our readers?


Photographer – Shashank K Tyagi