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Sharon Lobo

IWB Blogger

Lifestyle Educator Neha Ranglani Colours Us Red With This Recipe For Healthy Skin

  • IWB Post
  •  February 11, 2018

An apple a day keeps a doctor away, exactly how right food throughout a day keeps diseases at bay.

The food is fuel to our system and not a therapy, is what Neha Ranglani says. A renowned nutritionist and lifestyle educator from Mumbai has been practicing the art of nutrition for the last 10 years. She believes that food can heal every cell of the body and with correct lifestyle changes, you can actually experience the magic of transformation. She is a counselor, speaker, blogger, youtuber, and a plant-based food coach who also helps her clients to create a mindset shift from the space of doubt, fear, and negativity towards faith, happiness, and positivity.

Her mission is to make you self-dependent in questions concerning your health and wellbeing.

Tell us more about the healing power of food.

Food is fuel for our whole system. Right food at the right time is essential. The natural food helps the cells in our body open up to take all the nourishment and nutrients, and the body automatically starts performing its activities with double energy. Any disease can be reversed with a proper healthy diet which includes natural food.


Share with us some dos and don’ts for 9 to 6 office-goers to boost their energy levels.

We usually munch on snacks, so one can instead eat more of fruits and nuts. Don’t skip meals which is a vital part. When there are gaps, our metabolism goes down, and fats are being built faster at that time. If you know you are going to be stuck at a meeting, carry nuts and have small meals in between.

You also do menu planning for corporates. What are all the things you include?

I add a lot of natural things and try to eliminate the processed food. I add veggies everywhere, to make dishes easy and fun to consume. And yes, I make sure there is less oil in the food.

What would be your advice to start-up owners, whose day is often eaten away by stress?

A 30-min workout is one of the best ways to deal with stress. Breathe yes! At times, we forget to focus on breathing, and that takes away most of the oxygen and imbalances the work our body needs to do. Take breaks while working. Diet, exercise, and breathing correctly are essential.


You also look after the children’s diet. What would you recommend to parents to escape the trap of harmful snacking that children so love? 

If parents keep fewer items in the snack cupboard, it is one way to reduce the intake of junk food. Not taking them for shopping, since they are attracted to colorful wrappings. Makhana, fresh fruit juices, fruits, nuts, healthy ladoos are better. The junk food harms the liver and causes many diseases among children. Chips are a complete no, according to me they are lethal.

What are girl’s health issues in teens you consider important to address?

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), menses, hair growth, acne which are all caused due to imbalanced hormone profile.

What food can help reduce cramps and pain during menstruation?

One must make sure not to eat heavy, fried and acidic food. The more you alkalize your body, the better it will function. Binge on fruits, natural juices like sugarcane or coconut water, have light meals and listen to your body. Relax and include more liquids into your menu.

We are curious to know more about you program ‘Never pause after menopause.’

It’s a stage where many women feel their body is changing, get dull and do not find the life in its old happy way. They experience health issues. So I help them to reclaim body positivity and encourage to take charge of their own health.


The internet is flooded with information on diet. How to pick up the right one?

One must go by common sense. Recheck the authenticity with other sources.

Share with us one healthy recipe to start with.

A glass of ‘Red Riding Juice’ is what all you need for the healthy skin.



1 Big Tomato
1 Carrot
1/2 Beet
1 Paan Leaf
1 Amla or 1/2 Lemon Juice
Tiny piece of Ginger

How To Make It:
1. Blend the Tomato first and then add the other ingredients and blend with Tomato.
2. Add Water as per desired consistency.
3. Do not strain (if not using Amla, add the Lemon Juice post blending all the ingredients)
4. Drink fresh!

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