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Lavanya Bahuguna


Designer Vikram Singh Scales Up The Dreams For Our New Office-Bungalow. Here’s The Sneak Peek!

  • IWB Post
  •  September 19, 2017


It’s alright to admit that we spent a good chunk of our days looking around for a gorgeous place in Jaipur that we could call our office. Guess what, we’ve finally found one!

TBH, this is us rn!

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Our team has always wanted to move away from the chaos and the crowd of the city, to a place that would help us weave words into your stories. A place that would bring home creative ideas and a positive way of life. We’re fortunate to have found a vintage home in the heart of the city which, amusingly, is away from the sound of traffic. Mother Nature embraces this place and one can hear the chirping of the sunbathing birds throughout the day. The 3,500 sq. Ft. area was a home to an elderly couple that now lives on the first floor of this place.


To re-do the space, we met Interior and Product Designer Vikram Singh who is well-known for giving a stunning makeover to abandoned royal Hawelis. FYI, he was one of the three artists who planned the décor of ace fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s flagship store and home in Kolkata.

Famous for his period-art, Singh seemed to be the perfect fit for undertaking IWB’s new office project. With no loud patterns on the walls and floors, we’re expecting the neutral hues to help the lunatics in our team keep a cool. Currently, the designer has his hands fully occupied into the restoration work of our workplace, and while he is at it, we take the opportunity to extract some arty details from him.


Excerpts below:

What was your earliest thought when we first showed you around?

So far, I’ve worked with hoteliers wanting to convert old properties into luxurious stays. This happens to be the first time that I’m transforming an old home into an office. Challenging? Definitely. Fun? Absolutely! This is going to be an amazing brain exercise for me.

Our Lady-Boss Ana has only one condition, are you aware of it?

That the office shouldn’t look like an office and that it should be enveloped by plants? I’ve already Roger’d that!


Good. Let’s talk about the theme you’ve in mind for us?

This home was made many-many years ago and I plan to keep its not-getting-any-younger vibe intact. Can you see that jaali-work on the windows? It will be preserved along with the glass shields so there is sufficient natural light inside.


Also, the old-cemented floor will remain the same and we’ll cover it with vibrant block-print motifs. Each of the six rooms will have its personalized flooring!

What about the colors?

As I said, the house allows plenty of sunlight to enter inside. Therefore, I think light-colored walls with peppy furniture will be perfect for the decor.

Do you have a special plan for our bloggers’ team? We’re greedy.

*laughs* Well, the writers of IWB are given the biggest room at the back of the house. I’ve heard your team talks the most, at the same time, needs absolute silence during story-articulation. Hence, this room would do justice to you.


We don’t talk, we brainstorm.

Don’t worry; you’re going to have a huge hall converted into a brainstorming-room for the purpose. With cozy sofas to snuggle on and hundreds of interesting books to read, I’m sure you will never ever have to deal with the Writer’s Block.

Did you just say a bookshelf and a lounge room? Whaaat?!?!

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Yes. Let me also mention that we will be only using recycled furniture in wood and iron that is restored from the abandoned heritage residences across the rural Rajasthan.

Will we be disposing of the furniture we’re currently using? Oh-no!

No way! We will recycle it, too, and gel it with the mood of the planned theme. It will be fun to see the IWB writers painting and carpentering the tables and chairs. Aren’t you excited?

Very much! What’s your vision behind the design plan?

The idea is to make the team more united than ever and so, I’ve kept in mind to formulate an easy flow of communication amongst all the staff members. For example, every room has been given a streaming gallery-access in case you want to meet and greet the other departments. Also, I’m not planning any cubicle-pattern that we mostly find at workplaces designed according to one’s position/rank. Instead, I will install Island Tables that will allow the employees of the same department to sit side-by-side and work in synchronization. Now you won’t be required to run from one room to another every time you’ve got a query.

But that only helped us get some physical activity!

The ample of space in the garden and at the back of the house will allow you to take a break from the ‘demanding’ boss and burst the building stress. *laughs* The greenery around will soothe your nerves, I’m sure. Plus, you are going to have many dogs in the office, no chance there is any dull moment! Imagine these fur-friends digging holes in the garden and running from one place to another in order to score the treats from everybody.

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Psst! How will you make ours a pet-friendly working space?

There won’t be any carpets on which they can pee. No marble flooring that is said to disfigure their leg bones. They won’t be able to chew on the electric wires as we will be placing them someplace out of their reach.

Umm, will we have a napping area?

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I’m not very sure about it. On the flip side, you will get to stretch your legs at the elongated backyard that will be given the look of a miniature cafeteria. I heard a little birdie say that you will be allowed to work from here, as well!


Lastly, how are you planning to make the binge-writers happy?

Welcome to the pantry where your office-chef, Mr. Vinod, will be cooking delicacies so tasty you wouldn’t want to order from the takeaways. The kitchen is big enough for team members to come together and do food-experiments!

What a reimbursement! I call dibs on the dining area.

To find more about designer Vikram Singh, follow him at Sutra Designs here and here. To get in touch with him, call at +91-9116062999.

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