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On Dental Care, Marital Orthodontic Cases & Much More With Dr. Nikhilesh Vaid

  • IWB Post
  •  April 8, 2015

Dr. Nikhilesh Vaid is a famous Orthodontist of Mumbai. On April 7, he visited Jaipur to address FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO) Jaipur Chapter members, in association with Indian Orthodontic Society. Dr. Vaid is the President of Indian Orthodontic Society & Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society. His session was named “Smiles Add Miles to Life. Change Your Life, Boost Your Confidence”.

FLO Jaipur Chapter’s chairperson Apra Kuchhal opened the ceremony.


She said: “A smile completes our look. It makes us look pleasant as a friend, efficient as an employee and trustworthy as a human being. Today’s session will help all of us take a step further in dental care. I, for one, look forward to have many myths cleared.”


Dr. Nikhilesh Vaid might be a doctor, but that doesn’t make him boring. At the beginning of the session, he said: “My wife had called up from Mumbai and said, ‘don’t even expect to get a chance of talking when you are back home after this 2 hr long session in front of so many women.’ So let me quickly make the most of it.”

Difference between a Dentist & Orthodontist.

_MG_0383Orthodontist Dr. Vaid says, “What we study our whole life, dentist studies that for just 50 hours in their complete medical life. In a way, Orthodontists are your ‘Teeth-specialists’.”

Crooked teeth are unhealthy teeth.


Solution for crooked teeth.

“There is a solution and most of you might not know about it! We all have heard about braces but how many of you recognize Invisible Braces? Lingual-Braces-make-your-teeth-perfectThey are fixed in the inner jaw and are not visible when you open your mouth to speak or eat. They work exactly like the regular front braces and are painless.”

Do it like a celebrity.

Celebs like Mini Menon, Editor of Bloomberg TV India, got invisible braces. She faced no speech impairment and continued with her job. Did you ever notice that on TV? I will assume, not._MG_0463

Asian Paints CEO went to work every day with invisible braces, like a boss!

Question & Answer session:_MG_0475

FICCI member: 40 yrs ago, I got my braces. Few days later, a boy was supposed to come with a marriage proposal. My father got those new braces removed in a worry that we could lose this ‘boy from IIM’. Well, today he is my husband. My question is – can I get the braces now when I am 60?_MG_0416

Dr. Vaid: You are 60???? You look so fabulous! Of course, you can get the braces now. And you know what I call this condition? Marital Orthodontic case.

JWB: You have given examples of girls who come to you to get their teeth fixed before marriage. As a women’s blog, we are curious to know if any groom visits you with the same concern in mind.


JWB’s Lavanya

Dr. Vaid: I wish to see this happening in 2015. Enough of gender inequalities in our society. I remember this rural woman’s story whose husband left her because she has crooked teeth. This is currently the unfortunate situation of India.

JWB: Most of the Indian parents think crooked teeth are lucky and given examples of personalities like Hrithik Roshan, Akshay Kumar, Miley Cyrus, etc. How to encourage such parents to get their kids treated?

Dr. Vaid: Only education can prevail over such myths.

Key points:

  • Right age to go for a teeth medication is before your kid turns 7.
  • It is never too late to get braces.
  • Braces don’t give you headaches nor do they affect your eyesightcover1

Did you find this session useful? Write to us. For more information on dental care, visit Indian Orthodontic Society.

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