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Jaipur’s Musician Piya Kanwar Plays Tunes Of Her Success

  • IWB Post
  •  March 17, 2015


What will you do if your child says he/she wants to make a career in music industry? Most of us will guide our kid to consider music only as a hobby.

Meet this 27 year old, always-smiling, Piya Kanwar, who has a dream to make it big in the music world one day. She has already paved a strong career in this field, which is quite underrated in our country. DSC_0196We met Piya to know more:

JWB – Tell us about you.

Piya – 9 yrs ago I went to my maternal uncle’s place to enjoy summer vacations. He is a musician, and that enthralled me. I asked him to give me lessons and he agreed. After that, I stayed in Delhi for few months.DSC_0169

Back in Jaipur my family (mother and siblings) supported my decision. When I came back to Jaipur, I began taking home tuitions of kids who wanted to learn playing piano and guitar.

JWB – You’ve got only small kids as your students?

Piya – Interestingly, I have taught playing piano to an elderly who is 90+. Talking about kids, I think Jaipur parents are now more open to accept music as one of the creative hobbies for their kids.DSC_0191

JWB – So we shall call you a music-teacher?

Piya – Why not? But my group performs at events too and we like to call ourselves Artists. Teaching gives me happiness.DSC_0220

JWB – If one is looking forward to make a career in music, what kind of education is required?

Piya – Music only needs passion and talent. Nobody is going to ask you about your degrees. But if you’re enrolled in a music institute, that definitely adds. I have done a 1 year correspondence course from Trinity College of London in Delhi.DSC_0154

JWB – That’s nice. How can Jaipur kids get hold of this degree?

Piya – It has a branch at Gopalpura bypass, Tonk road. They provide a 6 months certified course.DSC_0157

JWB – Talking about financial benefit, how valuable is a music career?

Piya – I make 40-50k per month. I am the sole earner in my family, and with an earnings like this, it is very easy for me to support the family and enjoy my lifestyle. In case you are in a metro city, get ready for a 70-80k income per month!DSC_0173

JWB – That’s a whooping amount!

Piya – It feels awesome to earn this much while pursuing your passion. I am never bored working!DSC_0175

JWB – We can see that in your big smile. What holds in the future?

Piya – I am planning to train girls of Jaipur. Our city still doesn’t understand the beauty and importance of music. I want to see our city’s women doing commendable in this field.DSC_0182

JWB – And how are you working towards this dream?

Piya – I am looking for female staff (musicians) with whom I can open this institute.DSC_0186

JWB – Amen to that. Lastly, tell us ways to generate interest for music in the new generation.

Piya – Parents must encourage their kids. A month’s class costs as little as Rs. 1000 or 1500. Also I strongly believe that girls, in specific, must be encouraged to take up new hobbies. It adds to their confidence and career opportunities.DSC_0201

We guess, Piya has already made it big!

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