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Lavanya Bahuguna


Founder Of India’s 1st Transgender Modeling Agency Tells Why She Posed Naked For A Fashion Shoot

  • IWB Post
  •  April 29, 2017


We spoke to Rudrani Chettri a few days ago regarding setting up India’s first transgender modeling agency. Rudrani, being the honest person that she is, spoke of the ill treatment transgender people face even though everyone around them is talking equality.

“There have been many incidents that made me and other transgender friends of mine feel our existence doesn’t really matter. I remember how a few years back I was denied entrance to a mall. I kept revisiting the same mall for almost a year till they finally allowed me in. I was deeply hurt and irritated. I fail to understand that why do people have to treat us differently. Why are transgenders made to feel ugly by the society? Is it so difficult for people to comprehend that we also like to dress up, can look gorgeous and understand fashion!

[You can read her full story here.]

Rudrani doesn’t believe in struggling anymore, she likes owing to her rights. Making sure she keeps creating the waves of change around, she recently posed naked for a Paris-based lingerie brand. Her mission – to talk openly about body-positivity.

Rudrani Chhetri

Photo credits: Johann Rousselot & Juliet Imbert Studio

She captioned the picture as: “This may be little Bold, but it’s important to accept WHO YOU ARE and Not Feel ashamed of yourself.”

Rudrani told us, “According to me, for every human being, it is crucial to align the body with the mind. If in your mind, you believe that all body types are beautiful, you got to send out the same message through your body, too. I mean, you need to show love towards whatever body-type you are gifted with! Therefore, when this brand approached me, I immediately took it as an opportunity to declare that whatever God has created is beautiful. One’s gender or religion is never going to change it.”

Read the excerpts from our chat with Rudrani about her bold and stunning photoshoot:

Tell us about this brand and how did you zero in on working together?

It’s the French designer, Juliet Imbert, who designs panties and knitted tops. Her work is widely spread across France. When she learned about me, she approached me through Facebook to be her model for the new lingerie collection.

Just like me, she, too, wants to break stereotypes. I was glad this offer came my way, and I could be a part of this revolutionary product line.

Were you comfortable with posing nude?

When you’re living in India, many things become uncomfortable. Confused between what’s right and what’s not, I decided to take the plunge and go for it. Why? Because I saw it as a gateway to build confidence in the (transgender) community about their bodies.  Most of us are told by the society that we’re ugly and don’t belong here. I hope I’m able to break many shackles of doubt through this photoshoot.

Rudrani Chhetri

Photo credits: Johann Rousselot & Juliet Imbert Studio

What kind of responses have you been receiving?

I was ready for mixed reactions, anyway. My identity and my mission are never going to change because ‘someone’ doesn’t like what I choose to do in my personal life. 

What is the message that you want to broadcast through this shoot?

The message is simple – one must love and respect themselves. Unfortunately, the LGBTQ community has to struggle a lot in order to earn dignity and make the world accept their reality. If we don’t show rebellion, we’ll be suppressed. And I think, this fight starts with self-acceptance.

What efforts does it take to be this bold and beautiful, Rudrani?

I am simply another human being who likes to love and accept love in return. I, too, have feelings of fear, hate, and anger inside me. But luckily, I’ve learned to stand above my lower self and manifest the best of me. Maybe this makes me bold and beautiful. Maybe this is the ONLY way to be bold and beautiful. What do you think?

We second you, Rudrani. You never fail to astonish us!

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