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Manisha Nowlakha: Zumba is like Partying!

  • IWB Post
  •  February 21, 2015


Zumba is certainly fun because you do not exercise but party while exercising. Meet Manisha Nowlakha – the trained Zumba Dancer and Trainer from Jaipur. Apart from telling how Zumba can change your life, she will spill some beans on why Zumba is a must for women.

About Tonique

I opened ‘Tonique – the Fitness Dose’ 4 yrs back in a hope to introduce Jaipurites with this dance form. CSC_0285

What is Zumba for her?

Zumba is a high intensity total body workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy along with a serious dose of fun. DSC_0090With loud music and those moves, I have seen my students having the time of their life. We dance, we exercise, we laugh, we sing loud and it’s like we’re having a party. DSC_0074

Zumba’s USP

It is stress free. Nobody goes to a club with the sad face to party, right? Music heals and so do those crazy high-energy steps that release the stress. Zumba promises you an active brain too.DSC_0071

Who can join?

Every age group comes to me starting from small kids to people aged 50 and 60. I have got men and women in almost equal ration. After all, who doesn’t love to dance?DSC_0108

Zumba has lots of Bollywood steps too, right?

Oh yes. Have a look here where we are moving on some peppy Bollywood songs!DSC_0246

Few Zumba moves for women to reduce extra inches.

Salsa basics like side to side, forward and backward are to tone the heavy things.2Zumba reggaeton and squats are for tummy’s fat reduction while the Zumba meringue is good for fats on your hands, above elbow. DSC_0230You can see more in this video I have recently got made – here

Proud moment

My proud moment was when I was named among the top Zumba Trainers from around the world. DSC_0274

Best compliment

When my male students ask me out, and I tell them about my 2 teenage kids. Because of Zumba I think I have stopped aging.DSC_0278

Zumba for women

I want to strongly recommend it. Every woman must have her own ‘Me-time’ where she forgets all worries and just breathes for herself. DSC_0164

You can follow Manisha here.

If you have a fitness story to tell us, invite us by writing at CSC_0287

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