Chatting with Entrepreneurially Liberated Radhika Jagwani
- IWB Post
- February 18, 2015

Take this week’s inspiration from Radhika Jagwani to start up a new venture. She has a clothing store in the heart of the city that caters stylish women with western and ethnic wear along with kids wear! Below are the excerpts from our conversation with her. Enjoy!
How to manage a business?
I work from my home. It is smart to make use of the space in or nearby the house so that you can easily manage the shifts between work and household chores.
A business is definitely time-consuming so think before you begin any enterprise. This is my second business after closing the 1st one years back because of the time-imbalance.
Socializing can become zero at the initial stage of setting up things. Also, the ‘Me-time’ is altered a bit.
You get to live a constructive life because now you know you can handle a business. The confidence definitely shoots up, and you enjoy the great financial independence. Plus, you get to be friends with so many people whom you meet as your clients!
How important is the family support?
Quite important. While you are working, it is your family (in-laws and husband) who are going to support you back at home. It’s like without saying a word they boost up your morale.
As an independent woman, what do you think is the right way to raise a daughter?
I treat my daughters just like my friends. A mother can get strict and create a gap between her and the daughter. However, by showing trust in your little one can turn her into a confident lady.
Why women should work?
Don’t you want to become liberated? Liberated like men at home!
Mantra to have a successful business.
Only hard-wok and nothing else.
Short and apt, isn’t it? If you have some brilliant tips on entrepreneurship to share with us, write to us at contactjaipurwomenblog@gmailcom.
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