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Watch Housewife Sonal Pareek Giving Business Presentation To Her Family Members!

  • IWB Post
  •  September 17, 2015


Can’t wait to read the 1st story of ‘Family Investors’ where Jaipur women are presenting their business plans to their family members? Neither can we!

Sonal Pareek, who also got featured in our ‘Hawa Mahal Talks’ campaign, is one of the women participating in ‘Family Investors’. She plans to restore the dying crafts of India through her home décor & lifestyle business. Her idea is brilliant and so is her way to implement it. Read how.

Sonal and her family were invited to the beautiful villa of Panache Builtech. Called Casa 9, these villas are all about modern implementation of classic European architecture. There, Sonal had to propose her business plan in front of the family, telling them how important their support is for her business to be successful, before any monitory resource.5

Inside the villa’s spacious set-up, Sonal’s family was made to sit facing the huge screen. The screen was put in that area of the villa where the drawing room and kitchen meet! Casa 9 has this amazing concept where the 4th wall of the kitchen has been removed to make this otherwise enclosed space breathable for women cooking inside it.3 (2)

Facing her family was Sonal, standing confident and smiling. With absolutely no clue of what Sonal was about to utter, her husband, a businessman himself, shyly smiled looking at the camera.14 (2)

Sonal began, “I don’t think my life could get any better with my loving husband and 3 kids. However, being well-educated, I have slowly started to realize I could have utilized my qualifications into something better. Something that can make me a much more better person. After years of devoting myself to my family, and having received the same love from them, today I am going to take a new step towards my own self. After a lot of thinking, I have finally decided to start a business of manufacturing home-interior products ranging from utility to show purposes.”15 (2)

Listening to this, Mr. Pareek’s face lightened and his wide eyes showed curiosity to learn more about her business plan.13 (2)

Sonal continued, “My business USP is going to be the traditional craft inspired Wall Décor. With my business, I look forward to uplift the lives of artisans who will choose to work alongside me. I don’t know if I am dreaming too big at the moment, but I definitely see this happening in the near future. And to make this happen, my dear family, I expect something from your side.”4 (2)

Sonal has 3 kids – 2 daughters and a school-going son. The little one brought his camera along in a hope to get scenic pictures while on his way to Casa 9. After all, it is located in the nearest outskirt of Jaipur city, surrounded with greenery and the peaceful Iskcon temple.3

Sonal’s son was caught losing his attention when his mommy dearest was introducing to everyone her big future plan. (We excuse him for he is yet to taste the significance of presentations). Untitled-2But he got curious once he heard his name being highlighted in the ‘Business Presentation’! This was the time when Sonal spoke of her expectations from her family members. Sonal remarked, “Shekhar, Nandita, Vanshikha, and Rohan, I am not concerned about the first financial investment required to be put into my business. Rather, I am leaning on all four of you to help me with your individual specialties. Like Shekhar, since you are a successful businessman, I would like you to help me with your knowledge of administration and logistics of the company. I am sure; I can grab a lesson or two in few months.” 7 (2)

“Dear daughter Nandita and Vanshikha, both of you are into the fields of fashion and films. How wonderful it would be to have you as my creative team! Imagine how much fun it would be to design the logo, brochures, and ads together! I can’t wait already! Plus, you can provide me with contacts, updated facts and new technologies.”6 (2)

“And lastly, my little Rohan. You and I are like best buddies who get to spend maximum time together. Dear child, I look forward to your support in form of your sincere efforts towards your school studies. You know, if you will complete your homework and eat food on time, I will have lots of time which I can invest into my business. Will you support me?” she concluded saying.8 (2)

This made Rohan smile and nod in approval, as if he was making a promise to his mommy.

Sonal’s sister-in-law, who was also present in the audience, clapped and appreciated Sonal’s efforts. This was followed by claps from everyone including our team, Casa 9’s team and her family! What a moment that was, so heart-warming that it brought happy-tears in Sonal’s eyes.16

Sonal quipped, “I am confident, this plan of mine is going to rock! My fresh styles will help break monotony and bring in a new wave by rejuvenating the spirit of the house. By the way, I would certainly want a Casa 9 villa to be ornamented with my décor products. Do you like my idea, Mr. Rahul Bhandari?”

(front) Shekhar Pareek (Sonal's husband) and Rahul Bhandari

(front) Shekhar Pareek (Sonal’s husband) and Rahul Bhandari

Rahul is the co-founder of Casa 9 villa project. After getting such a lucrative offer from our Sonal, he couldn’t resist but welcome the proposal. Later, he even took Sonal and family on a small trip across his dream villas.15

He explained to them how high the ceilings of Casa 9 villas’ are! And trust us, they are high! Rahul explained, “High roofs technically help better air circulation in the house. This is supported by the huge windows making sure some fresh air comes in.”18

So yes, this is Sonal’s story. If you want to step into her shoes and present a business-proposal to your family, write to us at

Photo courtesy: Pallav Bhargava

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