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Business Lullabies Story 2: Little Lavanya Tells Corporate World To Revise HR Policies

  • IWB Post
  •  August 11, 2015

Here’s the next story from our campaign ‘Business Lullabies’ that we did in association with SHEROES & Delhi Public School, Jaipur.

For those who are new on our page, let us briefly tell you about this campaign’s mission. ‘Business Lullabies’ spoke on behalf of all those mothers who return to work after maternal breaks, mentioning the problems they face at workplace. The 5 toddlers from the DPS became our advocates and gave live presentation in front of SKODA, Jaipur employees saying mothers are capable of handling their jobs even after pregnancy.

After little Mr. Abhyash saying ‘when my mom can nurture me, she can nurture your company as well’, 5 yr old Lavanya was all set to repeat the words but in a different manner!


Let’s read the story of Lavanya whose mother, Prerna Sharma – a yoga instructor, took a break from work after her birth. Lavanya was our Human Resource professionals and gave presentation on why & how the HR policies should be revived for mommies in companies across India.


Ms. Lavanya began with telling the qualities every mommy has, “My mommy has a big heart in which I and papa live. Though we have taken most of the space there, she has kept some for her work too. But I don’t mind that.”

Everyone cracked up after she said this, including her mother sitting in the audience.


Lavanya continued, “Like a sincere employee, mothers never let their jobs get hampered and work with devotion. I, as your ‘HR preofessional’, want to tell you one thing. Just like an HR personnel, working mothers too believe in the growth of company through unconditional love.”

These words by Lavanya struck a chord with every employee sitting there. It was as if she had spoken the unseen truth.


Lavanya continued to tell more similarities between people in HR department and mothers. She showed this slide to everyone mentioning the many continuous roles played by a mother.


And boy, once she was done, she asked everyone to repeat after her the various HR policies that she thinks need to be inculcated in corporate world across India. She focused on:

  • Equal task distribution
  • Women to be given equal leadership opportunities
  • Women to get fair bonus and rewards4.-HR-Policy-Revision

We’re sure, so many readers will agree with her on how unfair & partial corporate sometime gets when it comes to gender. HR departments, are you listening?


Can you see how well our tiny Lavanya gelled with her listeners? She even hi-fived with them in the air. So cool!


After all, she represented the most loved department of every workplace – the HR department. In the end, she asked the SKODA employees, “Will you revise the HR policies for working mommies?


Guess what everyone answered! “YES!!”

Photo courtesy: Shashank K Tyagi

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