#Uncornered: JWB’s Anti-bullying Campaign To Celebrate The Power Of Friendship
- IWB Post
- August 1, 2015

Happy Friendship Day, everyone! We love each one of you!
To celebrate this day, we came up with the idea of an anti-bullying campaign called #Uncornered. Considering the increase in school-bullying cases, we decided to educate students the ill-effects of bullying someone, of course in a fun manner. Thanks to the city based The Palace School where we could conduct our activity. More love to its Principal, Urvashi Warman, for being a sport and letting us play with the school-wall. No, seriously!
Our campaign’s idea was to paste portrait photographs of 25 students from this school across the campus gallery. Pictures are put inside the wall corners, like this:
This portrays the feeling one undergoes on getting bullied – feeling cornered – lonely and without any support or love around.
Next step included inviting the BFFs (best friends forever, in case you’re from the Stone Age) of these kids. The fun activity involved tracing the respective best friend, removing his/her poster from the inner corner and pasting it on the bulging corner – that we called ‘uncornering the friend’. This is how these kids were supposed to represent their love & support.
We strongly believe that friendship can bring wonders in one’s life. Agree? Look how they did it:
They were super-quick to find their best friends stuck on the wall. Just kiddin’
While they were busy in the action, we entertained them with some funny questions. To begin with, we asked – “What is the most funny thing about your friend?” Every sort of answer poured in:
“She is like a snake, creepy. But I love her.”
“She is the reason behind the discovery of LOL. She laughs like a demon.”
“He is a liar. I have a diary full of the lies he has ever told to teachers.”
Seriously, don’t buy that look on their face. Talking to them was like face-off with these naughty kids, who for sure love their best friends like no one else.
There were even participants who looked more like bully themselves. Not that we are over-thinking about their strong muscular body-built or something. Lol.
Another question that we popped up was to share one lovely memory with the best friend. One of them said – “We met in grade 7. We both scored zero in making friends, so decided to be together. That mutual decision is the best decision ever in my life. Actually, in our life. Wink!”
Next question was to spill some secrets about the best friend. With chuckling faces, we threw the questions at them. Check out the varied answers:
“She has got a crush on someone living in Pakistan.”
“Sorry, I am not allowed to tell you that.”
“She has got a girl-crush on Shreya Ghoshal. She is all over her.”
“He hasn’t taken bath today!”
We enjoyed meeting them, at that, discovered the beauty of their bonds. Bullying is common among kids but a friend’s support can act like a power-source. Can’t we figure this out from the happiness visible their faces?
We can’t thank these kids enough for supporting us in spreading this wonderful message across the Jaipur. What more? These children even put status on Facebook and Twitter writing about the whole activity using the hashtag #Uncornered.
Wanna see?
Here are few tweets:
@womenofjaipur #uncornered #thepalaceschool today we did a special activity for friendship day on bulliying #greatexpirience
— isha kothari (@ishakothari2001) July 29, 2015
#uncornered awesome activity for #friendshipday .. @womenofjaipur … — neerajramdev (@jhoncarter22233) July 29, 2015
If you have a real story of how friendship changed your life, write to us at contactjaipurwomenblog@gmail.com.
Photo courtesy: Shashank K Tyagi
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